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Postby Kristin Marie » Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:02 pm

This is my new story..hostage

I worked on it a lot while I was away...And I'm still working on it..may take awhile. I have 2 things going at once right now.

This story is about Elizabeth and Megan being kidnapped by their father's crazy ex, Susan..She would do anything to destroy Prue..

This is a sad story...just to warn you...Make sure you have kleenex in handy....


6 year olds Megan( Meg)and Elizabeth( Liz) Trudeau are identical twins. Elizabeth is 4 minutes older than Megan. They share everything and anything. They are the apple of their parent’s eyes..Their parents are Andy and Prue Trudeau…Andy is a Captain at San Francisco Police Department and Prue is a Photojournalist for Magazine 415.

When the girls gone missing, the Trudeau panicked. They wonder who would take their little girls. The Trudeau’s, The Wyatt’s and the Turner’s will be in shock when they found out WHO took the girls and why…and what will happen to the culprit?

Meanwhile, during the mist of all this. Phoebe and Piper have a feud over who moves out of the Manor and its Prue who gets between them…Phoebe grows angry with Prue and Prue sides with Piper… Who will win? Piper or Phoebe?

Class please open to your reading books to page 122.” Mrs. Clayton told her 1st graders at Bay City Elementary School. There cousin, Melinda Wyatt, also is in the same grade. The students opened up there books. “ Elizabeth?” The teacher focused on one of the Trudeau’s girls. “ Please read the first 2 paragraph.” She instructed her as Elizabeth stood up and read. When Elizabeth was done to sat back down and the teacher then focused on Megan. “ Megan, please read the next 2 paragraphs?” “ Yes.” Megan stood up and read. The teacher was amazed of how well Meg and Liz can read at that young of an age. When Megan was done, she sat down besides her sister. “ Liz and Meg, that was marvelous! Job well done.” She clapped and so did everyone else in the class. When school was over, the students exist the building and too the waiting school bus…But Aunt Piper was picking up the twins and Melinda…they love when they don’t have to take the bus.

Susan Trudeau stood behind the gate at Bay City Elmentry School…she was busy watching the twins. She made sure she wasn’t seen by anyone. “ I wonder how dear Prudence will react if both her girls were missing…her life would be in such a fiasco! Prudence ruined my marriage, my life..well, I’ll just have to destroy hers. She took away my husband.” She laughed. She wanted to hurt Prudence in the worst possible way.

Susan is an unstable person, she claims that Prue “ STOLE” Andy from Susan…She doesn’t want to face the fact that her marriage to Andy was in trouble BEFORE Andy moved back to San Francisco in 1998. She also claimed that Prue manipulated the relationship and “ FORCED” Andy to divorce Susan, which was so UNTRUE! She’s been thrown in jail a couple times, was ordered to stay away from the Trudeau’s, but she landed herself back in jail. Apparently Jail can’t handle her, or she can’t handle the jail!
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby Kristin Marie » Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:31 pm

i will add more later Image

Love and Hugs,

Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby shannenchicafan » Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:49 pm

sis i will read it as soon as i get settle this weekend

Thank You and Love YA,
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Postby Linz » Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:00 pm

I like it!

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Postby jenny777 » Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:59 am

It's great... can't wait for more Image
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Postby Kristin Marie » Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:23 am

When Meg and Liz got home, they went upstairs to do homework. Within seconds the twins were fighting. They were arguing over the shirt that Liz had in her hand. “ Give me that!” Meg hollered pointed to the shirt that her sister was holding. “ It’s mine and you took it, Meg. With out asking.” Liz shouted back. “ I did too and I did not take it!” Meg told her, but Liz didn’t buy her sister’s comment.
“ You’re a liar, Meg.” “ Fine!” Liz defended herself against her sister as she handed Meg the shirt as Prue listened on to her daughters bickering. “ Your always taking my stuff.” Liz added. “ We’re twins. What do you expect, Liz?” “ Sorry, yes. We are twins. But, still. Privacy would be helpful.” Liz explained to her sister.
“ Yes, I do know that. Thank you.” Meg told her, but wasn’t looking at her.

Prue walks in and demanded to know what’s going on, her daughters tells her. Prue just laughed. “ It comes with being twins. Meg, your shirt is in the laundry room.” Prue told her daughter. “ I know, Mommy. But I like Lizzie’s better.” Meg told her mother and then at her sister. “ I’m sorry, Lizzie. If you want to borrow my headband again, you can.” Meg told her. “ Thanks, Meg.” Liz told her and the sisters hugged. “ Girls?” Prue sat on the bed and her daughter’s sat on her lap. Prue loves when she has quiet time with her girls…and the girls just love hanging out with Mom and Dad. “ You’ll always be wearing clothes..Maybe not forever…But in time you’ll get tired of matching…” “ I don’t mind, Mommy.” Liz told her. “ Me too.” Meg told her and the twins embraced their mother.

Phoebe was putting her 4 year old daughter in the bathtub, for her bath, but Brianna wasn’t cooperating with her mother. “ NO!” Brianna splashed water on her mother…Phoebe just giggled. “ Honey, I know you don’t want a bath tonight. But you have too.” Phoebe scolded her daughter as Cole walks in and Brianna was happy to see her father.
“ Why don’t you want your bath, Brianna?” Cole ask his daughter. “ NO! I hate bath!” Brianna told him. “ Yes and don’t we all.” He told her as Phoebe smirked at her husband. “ Is there a reason for you being here or you just want to annoy us?” Phoebe stared at him and Cole ignored her. “ So did you talk to your sisters about leaving the Manor?” Cole asked. “ Not yet.” Phoebe told him. “ I will soon.” Phoebe added. “ It would be fun to leave this place and have our own place to ourself.” Cole told her. “ Your right, Cole.” “ We are making the right decision to leave here, Phoebes.” Cole told her. “ You’re right, honey.” She kissed him and then Cole kissed on top of his daughter’s head and left. Little does Phoebe know, that the house THEY want is the ONE that Piper and Leo want, BUT Leo and Piper don’t know that Cole and Phoebe HAD ALREADY bought it!
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby Kristin Marie » Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:26 am

Piper walks into the sunroom where Leo was fishing through the paper. Piper and Leo were excited about the house that was by the Golden Gate Bridge. “ Perfect for us, honey.” She sat besides him. “ A big backyard for Melinda to play… We can entertain outside.” “ We can have Barbeque Party there too.” Leo face light up, he too was excited. “ Let’s call the realtor and find out the prices..we can go look at it this weekend.” Leo added. “ I already called them and we’ll see it tonight!” Piper hugged him. “ That was fast.” He told her. “ I know. I’m excited about getting a place of our own. I mean, I’ve already talked with Prue and she’s so excited..She wants this for us. And we can invite the Trudeau’s over every weekend. And Cole, Phoebe and Brianna.” Piper told him. “ Cole and Phoebe are having fianacile problems, Piper.” Leo reminded her. “ Yeah, well. That’s Cole’s fault!” Piper sat back down. “ It’s like you blame Cole. I mean I know he’s not your favorite person in the world, but, Piper, your sister loves him and that’s her husband and the father of her daughter.” “ Well, Leo, He’s tried to KILL us on several occasion’s okay..if my sister and her husband have real jobs for once..” “ I don’t have a job…not..” Leo was about to explain when Piper interrupted him. “ You’re a handyman, get paid very well. You get paid well by your wonderful, ever loving technically you and I, along with Prue and Andy, are doing BETTER than the Turners!” Piper got up and glance at her husband. “ End of discussion.” She added and left the room.

Meg, Liz, Brianna and Melinda went downstairs in the basement to play while the girls were in the kitchen talking. The phone rang and Prue answered it. “ Hello, who’s this speaking?” Prue asked. A woman voice, who was in disguised told her, “ Andrew Trudeau there?” asked. “ No. He’s still at work. Who’s this?” Prue asked, but the woman didn’t say anything. “ Who is this and how do you know my husband?” Prue asked again, but the woman refused to listen to Prue, so she hung up. “ Who was that, Prue?” Phoebe asked as her sister hung up the phone. “ I don’t know. Wrong number I guess.” Prue told her sisters. “ I wonder what she want with Andy?” Piper asked. “ Did she leave you a number?” Both Piper and Phoebe asked as Andy walks in.
“ What are you ladies chatting about now?” Andy asked as he kissed and hugged his wife. “ Liz, Meg. Daddy’s home!” Prue calls out to her daughters as they scrambled upstairs in Andy’s waiting arms. “ Hi, pumpkins. How was school today?” He asked them and they both were talking at once…Prue and her sisters laughed. “ Well, I’m glad you 2 had a good day.” Andy told them and then the girls ran back down to the basement with their cousins. The phone rang again, but no one was answering it. “ Want me to get it, ladies?” He asked them. “ It’s for you.” They told him as he answered the phone. “ Hello?” “ Andrew?” A disguised woman asked.“ Yes, this is Andrew. Do I know you, Madame?” He asked her. “ Uh, yeah!” “ Oh…Confuse?” He waited. “ Well, we were very close..close as in…lovers!” “ Is this a prank?” He asked. “ No. No.” “ I think your looking for a different Andrew, Madame. Good bye and have a nice evening.” Andy hung up.

Over at Susan, she hung up the phone. “ You’ll see, Andrew..You and I will be together, just the way we are suppose to be.” She sat down on the sofa with her legs cross. “ I’m getting my revenge..But how?..well, well. How and when do I want to proceed with this?..I’ll surprise…no..I have to think about my plans and how I want to do this...” She got up and clapped. “ This is the best plan ever! Stealing the twins from Mommy Dearest in the hurtful way..Prue will be angry with Andy..she’ll have no choice to file for divorce.” She laughed and laughed. “ I, will then, have Andy back, for good!” She still laughed.

After dinner, the girls took a bath, this time they didn’t need there mother’s help. “ You 2 are getting to be so responsible.” Prue told her daughters. “ Is that a good thing, Mommy?” Liz asked. “ Of course, Liz.” “ Can we have a bubble bath, Mommy?” Meg asked. “ Yes, Meg. You can.” Prue told her as she filled the bath with water and soap. Seconds later, Meg and Liz took their baths and Prue watched them as they splashed each other with water as Prue sat and laughed at her silly girls.

Prue helped them in bed. “ Read to us, please?” They begged their parents. “ How about tomorrow, girls?” Andy walks in.“ You 2 had a busy day and I’m sure your both are tired.” He added. “ Your daddy’s right. We’ll do it tomorrow, I promise.” Prue told her daughters and she meant it. Andy and Prue never broke their promises when it came to the girls. “ Goodnight, Mommy. Good night, Daddy.” Both Liz and Meg kissed and hugged their parents and went to sleep. “ We love you, Girls..Very much.” Andy and Prue told them. “ I love you, Mommy. I love you, Daddy.” “ I love you, Mommy and Daddy.” They told their parents. That would be the last time they would see their daughters…they are clueless of what’s next.

Leo and Piper went to see the realtor of the house they wanted. They wanted to wait till everyone is home, they didn’t want to tell anyone, anything. Piper called Katie Batten, their realtor…they were going to meet at the house.When Leo and Piper arrived, she was waiting for them.“ Your choosing a good home, Mrs. Wyatt. Its beautiful.”“Any one would be crazy to let this one go.” Leo told her.“I absolutely love the inside and the backyard…beautiful. Plenty of room for Melinda and our nieces to play in the back.” Piper told Katie Batten. “ When ever your ready to sign…” Katie got cut off. “ NOW!” Piper and Leo told her.“ Ready already? Okay.” Katie handed them papers. “ I guess your anxious to move out of your other place?” She added.“ Oh, defiantly!” The Wyatt’s told her. Leo and Piper signed the papers. “ I’ll keep you informed. I’m sure you two out have a problem getting the house.” Katie told them.
“ I hope we can get it, Katie.” Piper told her. “ I’ll call you.” Katie shook there hands and departed. Piper turns to Leo. “ We’ll get it, baby. We just have too.” Leo told her with a smile. “ I know we will, Leo.” She told him and then they walked to the car.
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby sarahconnor » Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:46 pm

This Susan woman seems a bit weird to she gonna kidnap the girls? If she does, can she drug Prue and Andy and leave them a note and ask for a ransom? They do that in the movies. Image
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Postby shannenchicafan » Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:25 pm

sis (kris) if I can get the internet to work later I am going to print it out. and if I have another night where I cant sleep I will read it. But I know I am going to love it.

Thank You and Love YA,
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Postby Linz » Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:51 pm

Hey I love it still! It is great! Image

I will add to my story soon! Oh sis I forgot to tell you that I will be out of town today but I will be back alter tonight!

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