Here we go again......or a new start?

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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby monstervsangels » Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:10 pm

Paige went flying through the attic and landed hard on her backside, Leo orbed in and helped her up. 'What are you doing?'

'Nothing much,' she rubbed her bum and smiled weakly at Leo 'Oh, ok I was making a vanquishing potion for Phoebe's boyfriend.'

She picked up the vials and bottles, and looked at Leo who smiled ruefully, Miles was a jerk but he doubted he was a demon. Then again with Cole they thought he wasnt either, and look what happened to him.

Walking out of Phoebe's room Miles smiled to himself, Phoebe was always good when he was in between women. Always easy to make her believe that she was his only one, and that he'd been out of reach from all the women in San Fransisco.

Phoebe smiled to herself, letting Miles think he had got one over on her. Not that she'd had sex with him, she'd laced his drink and lied to him this morning, she had had enough of men who were only after one thing.

She wanted what she had had with Cole, but with it being a proper relationship no demons trying it on again. After Jason and Lesley, she had finally realised she was trying far too hard to find a man and wanted her life back to the way it was just before Prue had died.

Smiling she thanked Prue silently, she wanted to tell the others about her dream of Prue. So she got up and had just stepped in to the shower when the water went cold, screaming she jumped out.

Piper, Paige and Leo ran to the bathroom with Miles behind them, thumping on the door Piper screamed at Phoebe asking if she was alright.

'Yeah fine, who used all the hot water?' opening the door she looked at them gathered in the hallway, 'Does it take all of you too see if I'm alright?'

Phoebe walked to her bed room, 'Hey we were worried, that you'd hurt yourself' Piper countered remembering that Miles was still in the hall.
Following Phoebe into her room, Piper looked at her sister she was worried that Phoebe was never going to find a happiness to complete her life.

Paige knocked and walked in, 'Oh glad your here.' Phoebe pulled on her top and sat on the chair putting her socks on, Piper and Paige looked at each other.
'Whats going on Phoebe, Miles walks out of your room as though he was the cat who got the cream and you look like you had a good nights sleep.' Piper looked at her.

'Its ok we didnt, well you know.' Paige grimaced at this and shivered, 'Dont need to know what you did or didnt do Phoebe.'

'Oh hush, I've got something to tell you.' patting the bed beside her chair, 'I know I've had some weird dreams in my time, but this is the weirdest. Prue came to me last night, dont look like that she did.'

Piper and Paige were skeptical since Prue hadnt been too visit either of them, so why Phoebe and why now?
'It's nothing about demons or fighting them, it was more personal than that. She took me on a journey of self discovery, you see I was at a cross roads with my life and needed a bit of help. And Prue gave that to me.'

"Prue wouldnt just give you a life journey, she was more into fighting demons and.."

"And she found the balance, and that is what I need right now."

Phoebe picked up her coat and walked out the door, Leo and Miles had gone downstairs and Miles was waiting to say good bye, even though he played the field he always took the time to say a proper goodbye.

After closing the door on Miles for the last time ever, Phoebe smiled and walked back into the kitchen where breakfast was waiting. Sitting at the table Phoebe smiled again at her dream, 'So, what did our wonderful sister have to show you that she couldnt come to the rest of us?' Piper was a bit upset that she hadnt been the first Prue had visited.

Phoebe knew this and smiled gently at her, 'We've just finished blowing up downstairs, just had our wakes and with everything else going on I felt at a cross roads.'
Sipping her coffee, she spat it out 'Is this decaf?' looking at Piper, 'No instant like always, why?'

Handing the cup over to Piper, Phoebe grabbed a glass of orange juice and drank. Paige just finished her food and walked over to the sink and placed everything in, 'Its fine, whats wrong with it?' Piper handed the cup back to Phoebe.

Looking up at Paige, the others watched as she started running the water, 'Hey whats up there?' Piper looked at Phoebe 'MOVE!!!!!!' as Leo ran in grabbing 'Paige' and orbing out.

Piper and Phoebe were left wandering what had happened when Paige walked in again 'Hey guys, sleep well?'

'Uh, whats going on?' the girls chorused

'What do you mean, I generally ask how you slept in the morning.' grabbing some juice she sat at the table.

'No Leo just orbed you out of here in a hurry, so whats going on?' Piper looked at Paige quizzically.

'Easy way to settle this, Paige, what did I say 2 minutes ago?'

Looking at Phoebe as though she had two heads, 'How should I know, I just got down here. Whats going on?'

'Thats what we want to know, LEO!!' Piper called her husband but he didnt reply.

'Dont tell me another attempt on our lives right??' Paige rolled her eyes, she'd just got used to having a demon free life after the last major attack with Zankou.
Last edited by monstervsangels on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby kt73 » Sat Nov 12, 2005 10:09 pm

its great Image cant wait for more
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby monstervsangels » Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:31 am

Piper and Phoebe looked at each other and wondered if they were right, thinking this was the real Paige. Then Leo orbed in,
'Ok, whats going on? Whose this?'

Piper and Phoebe bombarded Leo with more questions, 'Uh, guys it's me Paige your real sister. I dont know whats been going on but I'm still here and would like to know whats just happened.'

Paige put her glass in the sink and turned around as they looked at her, Leo with sad eyes 'Ok, now your freaking me out with whats going on, so please just tell us so we know whats happening.'

Leo took a deep breathe, 'Paige was up with me in the attic when Grams came to us and said that there was a shape shifter in the house.....'

'Dont they ever give up?? Things have been back to normal for months, whats going on now?' Phoebe was ticked she still had to tell them that she was going to give up her job.

But unlike Prue she wasnt going to do photography, she wanted something that wouldnt bring media attention on herself. Or bring stalkers to the house, like a couple of her last fans who had turned out to be very creepy.

'The elders dont know but Adrian knows and he said that they are tackling something bigger than Zankou, someone else has taken over the underworld and has found out who you really are.'

Leo put his arm around Piper, she doesnt deserve to get back to fighting she had enough looking after the kids and the club.

He knew Prue was looking after them and she couldnt come down, not till the time was right. Phoebe looked at Paige, 'So it looks like they shape shifted into you trying to infiltrate us, so we have to be on our toes. Anything out of the ordinary with any of us Leo take us out until we can be sure.'

'You know what your saying??' Piper looked at her sister as though she was crazy, 'How can we break us apart, when we're strongest together.'

'She's right Piper,' they looked at Paige in astonishment, 'think about it, if Leo takes each of us too our favourite place that only WE the real us know about, we can meet up there and sort out what we do from there.'

Piper sighed heavily, making up a quick breakfast for Paige, 'Then you had better eat this, an orange juice isnt going to be much help.'

"Dont forget the dossier Cole had on us, he gave it to the Triad and they must have put it some where."

"Leo can you go find something out about that?"

Leo kissed Piper and orbed upto the elders.
Smiling at each other the girls turned to Phoebe, 'You were saying that you had a journey with Prue?'

Anything to get their minds off the shapeshifters and what was to come, if anything was to come. Phoebe walked back to the table and started on a second coffee, 'You know how many guys I've had since Cole...' Piper and Paige rolled their eyes and giggled.

'Yeah we know how many, wondered if you had notches on your bed post.'

'OH be quiet I'm not that bad?' Phoebe giggled at them, 'Seriously though, I've had enough of finding a guy and it not working for one reason or another. But there is another thing I wanted to tell you, I'm giving up my column...'

Paige and Piper looked at her in amazment, 'But you love that job, you have done so well with it balancing life and demon hunting........'

'Its ok Paige, I dont want to end up like Prue doing a job and battling demons at the same time, so I've told Elise my plan. Too leave the paper and she's fine with it, well upset but fine, she understands I dont want to be stalked....' Phoebe stopped looking at her sisters

'StalkedImage why didnt you tell Morris or us about this?' Piper was angry with her for not telling them about what had happened.

'We could've helped you know, we are a family.' Paige was hurt as well, she knew Phoebe had been stalked and had taken care of two of them.

'I thought I could handle it, but now I know its beyond a joke and so I'm going to give up my job and find something that I LOVE doing. Its gotten like it was with Prue, I ended up not loving my job and it wasnt as fulfilling as it was before. Besides I cant tell others how to run their lives when I can hardly run my own, then they say its easier to tell someone else how to run it than sort your own out.'

Phoebe looked at her hands and then up again at her sisters who were smiling.

'Then we need to get organised again, around a one income family again.' Piper smiled and held Phoebe's hand.

'No you mean a two income family!' Paige smiled smugly at them as they smiled.

'You got a job?' Phoebe asked 'When, where, how?' was all Piper could say.

'A new social work job, one that gives me all the opportunities to work with the innocents we're sent to protect. What better cover than that of a social worker?'

They all stood up excited for Paige, hugging her tightly, it had been a few years since she had given up her job, and had trouble keeping down another one.

'This calls for a celebration at the club, and I'll leave you two too sort out the guest list and a few other things so I can do the catering.' Piper got out her pad and started writing.

Back in the underworld Sharma looked at Carl, 'Why didnt you stop Leo? He wasnt supposed to have his powers back EVER!'

She was pacing up and down the cave fuming that she hadnt been told that Leo was a whitelighter again, he had crossed swords many times with her and she had thought this time she could kill him as a mortal.

It hadnt taken long for them to find out what had happened to The Charmed Ones, since they had read Phoebe's column and found out that they wrote the same.

So it was a matter of stalking Phoebe and using the shapeshifters in the house, since their guards were down. It should've been an easy task, but Othar had screwed up by shapeshifting into one of the sisters before they were meant to.

Leo of course had been upstairs in the attic with the real Paige and as for that Grams, Sharma was fuming even more as Carl explained what had happened.

'What do we do now that Othar has been taken out and they are on their guard?? WELLImage??' Sharma was in no mood for excuses and Carl didnt want to bring up a tried and tested method of infiltrating them through Phoebe yet again.

Reading his mind Sharma threw him across the cave, 'DONT EVER suggest that again, do you understand?' leaning over her foot on his neck he squeaked a yes.

"Then again what do YOU suggest, since you think you can out smart the rest of us?"

Back in the manor Paige was ready for work and Piper and Phoebe were getting the boys ready for school.
'This is weird, me doing this and you going off to work again.' Phoebe smiled at Paige.

'Nah, you'll be fine and dont forget keep an eye out for anything strange happening. After all this time we've had relaxing from demon attacks, they know were are alive.'

'We know, we know, we'll keep in contact with you and dont worry you just enjoy your new job.' Piper hugged her sister, she was showing an outward calm that she didnt feel on the inside.

Paige walked out the door, and drove off, Phoebe and Piper walked back, 'Well now that you two are working I'm going to drop the boys off at school, and take some time out just for me.'

Smiling she picked up Chris and held Wyatt's hand, 'Behave yourselves for Phoebe and then you can come back and tell me the rest of Prue's journey with you.'

'Its fine Piper nothing much more to tell, just the fact I've had enough of men like Miles, Jason etc. Anyway I'll drop the boys off and come and help with the party tonight.' smiling she took the boys off to school.

Leo orbed in front of Piper, 'You know what this means dont you?' he smiled a cheeky smile one she hadnt seen in a while.

'Oh, you are too easy to read.' giggling Piper kissed her husband like they hadnt kissed in a long time. Walking over to the couch they sat down and started talking, they needed this time too get to know each other again.

Just then the phone rang.....
Last edited by monstervsangels on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby KiwiGirl » Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:18 pm

Its really good
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby monstervsangels » Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:13 pm

Paige walked into the Social Services building, meeting her old boss again who gave her a warm welcome.

'About time you got home, now we have an interesting case after you settle into your desk.' handing her a bundle of paper work as Carl walked in the door.

'Ok, give me an hour to read up and I'll come in and talk.'
walking away as her boss welcomed Carl.

'How may I help?' smiling he walked him into his office.

'Well, I'm the new office manager from the agency.'

'Oh, I forgot that you were coming sorry, if you follow me I'll show you the ropes quickly. Any questions just ask and someone can help you.' taking Carl around the office he didnt notice him eyeing up Paige as she sat chatting with a colleague.

'I see you've noticed Paige' smiling warmly he explained about Paige.

'Wasnt trying to fish, just thought she looked nice in that outfit. I'm sure I'll get to know everyone in time. Well as long as I'm here that is.'

Looking at Carl quizzically, 'Werent you told this is a permanent position?'

'No they forgot that part, right I better get cracking find out everything there is to know about this place.' smiling Carl walked over to his desk and looked through some papers.

Paige looked at him and got an odd feeling that she put down to being back, and getting back into the saddle.
Things hadnt changed that much and she was eager to get started on her first case, it didnt look supernatural then again when did anything at first look.

Just then her phone rang 'Hello?'

'Hi Paige, its me Victor.' he had never known what Paige had wanted to call him even after all this time.

'Hi, DAD!' she smiled, she'd started calling him that when they first hid their identities, seceretly before then. He'd been there when she needed someone to talk to, he wasnt like her adoptive father although she'd loved him. Sam was her real father, she thought it was wonderful having three fathers.

'Whats up?' Paige smiled at her boss and mouthed she'd be with him in a moment.

'Just thought I'd ring and congratulate you on your new job and see you when I get back from Amsterdam.' he smiled at his fib, since he'd just rung Piper and organised to be at her party that night.

'Thats a shame dad, I was hoping you could be there for my party.' Paige looked dejected she'd so wanted Victor there, she had an extra surprise for him.

Rounding off the conversation, Paige picked up the file and moved her hand without saying a word a folder TK'd across the room and into the drawer.

Paige looked shocked as she looked too see that no one was looking, she had too control this and get home as soon as possible. Something was going on and she wasnt about to expose them to anything else.

Carl noticed Paige looking agitated, but put it down to the case she had. He didnt want to be a demon anymore and wanted to be vanquished so he could be with his love, he hated Sharma who thought she could control him.

Petra had been his one true love, and Sharma had killed her and turned him into a demon. He wanted out, what he didnt know was Petra wasnt dead, she'd just had her memory erased and was in the next building.

Watching Paige walking into the boss's office he picked up the phone as it rang, putting the caller through to their case worker. Carl got up and walked into Paige's office, he had to find some thing so he could follow her back home and give it back.

Piper and Leo were getting dressed as Phoebe walked in the front door, giggling in their bed room this was one of those rare times they could have time to themselves let alone the manor.

Walking hand in hand down the stairs, they saw Phoebe walk into the kitchen, walking in behind her.

'Hello, boys get off ok?' Piper was smiling from ear to ear.

'Glad to see you two making up for lost time, sure you could take the time out Leo?'

Phoebe smiled, glad they were getting back to a more balanced life, now for her to make the same adjustments and everything should be fine.

'Yeah I could, told them I was taking some much needed family time. Piper before I forget, I've told them I can handle both family life and whitelighter work. A few gave me a hard time, but then Alex reminded them of our engagment period.'

'Wow, thats a turn around from before Zankou was killed then.' Piper smiled, hugging Leo as she started taking things out of the fridge for mid morning snack.

'What did Alex do, twist their arms?? and no come backs if things dont work out??' Phoebe was still concerned that Leo wouldnt be allowed to stay with his family for long periods.

'It's ok Phoebe, they have said as long as we can balance things and keep the demons from finding out about you changing identities we'll be fine.'

'What's wrong with them Leo, thats not like them at all. You sure you went to the same meeting? What did they say when you asked about the shapeshifter?'

"They said a new demon has taken over and they were just trying the old methods yet again, just be on your guard and they would see about doing something to help."

Something told Piper that things were going to start getting back to the way it used to be, fed up with trying to balance it all she'd decided that she'd get a full time manager in for the club.

Alex had offered the services of one of his innocents, that way Alex could relax away from their eyes and his innocent could hopefully have a decent life.

Paige picked up her bag and walked out to her car, it wasnt that far to home and she had the afternoon off for some research into her case. She needed to talk to her sisters anyway, especially after that power boost she didnt know where it came from.

Henry smiled, sitting in the passenger seat it had been Prue's idea to start boosting her powers and entrusted Henry to keep an eye on her while she came into them.

Walking in the door, Paige decided to see if it wasnt a one off trick, looking at the door she moved her finger and the door closed.

'Did you just shut the door without saying a word?' Piper had heard the key and walked out to greet her, worried at what she had just seen she didnt want to believe that Paige had been given a power boost.

It was another confirmation that things were starting to get back to the way they used to be. Phoebe walked into the hall 'Hey, whats going on?'

'I got a power boost from the elders.' Paige grinned at her sisters, as Leo made excuses and orbed out leaving Piper worrying what was happening.
Last edited by monstervsangels on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby monstervsangels » Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:42 pm

Henry, Leo and Alex stood cloaked behind the girls as they talked about Paige getting her boost.

'It would be best if we let them see the future as it might be, what do you think Leo?' Henry looked at his friend, knowing that the future wasnt set in stone.

Piper and Phoebe looked at each other sadly, remembering Prue and what she would've had. Paige looked at them and smiled, 'You know I think Prue would be pleased I have this power boost, I know we wanted a demon free life. But it wouldnt happen if we hadnt finished our destiny.'

They walked into the lounge and sat on the couch, 'Hey if I got a power boost, you two must have one as well.'
Paige smiled hoping her sisters would try them out.

'I cant try my powers out as I'd need a big area to freeze or a demon to practice on, IF that happens' looking at Phoebe, Piper wondered.

'OH NO!!!' Phoebe threw up her hands, 'I know what happened last time I had those powers, I dont want to risk that ever again.'

Piper looked at her sister as she walked over to the fire place, 'Come on Phoebe that was ONE future we COULD'VE had, it wasnt set in stone. Why not give it a whirl you can do it on one of us, we trust you.'

Giggling at Phoebe's face, Paige stood up taking Phoebe's hand she pulled her towards the stairs, 'Come on, there is one way we can do this in safety.'

'How?' Piper followed them upstairs as Alex, Leo and Henry went up unnoticed.

'You know they will have to help a demon sooner than we had hoped, there is a Demon who needs help but he doesnt know his fiancee is alive.'

Leo rolled his eyes he didnt want to get the girls involved, but if this was true there wasnt much he could do about it.
Last edited by monstervsangels on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby monstervsangels » Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:56 pm

Carl headed for his car, when he was pulled down to the underworld standing there was Sharma looking at him.

'What did you do that for, there were people around!' Carl thought it was better to attack than give her a chance to read his mind.

'Don't you dare tell me when I can or can't pull you down here. Besides I want an update on getting the Charmed Ones dead.'

Carl rolled his eyes he was fed up with Sharma's insecurities and he wouldn't have to deal with them in a while, since there was an up rising in the ranks. Heading for a big battle too see who would be the next lord of the underworld, there were several and Carl had fun winding each of them up.

Sharma thought she could handle this and the up rising, but was failing fast and if she didn't kill the Charmed Ones or at least one of them then it was all over for her.

'Look Sharma, when I have something I will come back down and not before. There is no use calling me back every five minutes because it will just stuff up what we're trying to accomplish.'

With that he shimmered out, readjusted his coat and got in his car. Going to the manor was out of the question, so heading to his apartment too change so he could try and get into P3.

Walking into the attic Paige filled them in on Carl she'd been given him a while back but it hadn't been the time to help him. She also told them about his fiancee Petra, and how she had become friends with her and had invited her to the party at P3 that night.

'Now too try our gifts in safety we'll put up a force field that will just bounce us back into the room. I know the risk of it going into another dimension and all but I've tweaked the spell and we'll be fine.'

'You sure Paige, we don't want to miss the party tonight.' Piper looked at her sister and gave her a wry smile.

'Ok, quickly we gotta get ready as well.' Phoebe looked at the others and was apprehensive that she might be able to do the same as she did before when Prue was alive.

Saying the spell the forcefield went up, Leo and the others agreed to keep the girls in the present till after the party. Phoebe raised her hands and put them on either side of Paige's head, since Paige had offered too be her guinea pig.

With a slight tingle in her hands Phoebe began to rise off the ground and went deeper into Paige's mind than she had ever been. It wasn't small snippets she got, there was alot of detail and the colour was sureal, not wanting to over do things she pulled herself back into her own body.

'How was that?' Phoebe looked at her sisters, Piper smiled

'You went off the ground a bit, is there anyway to stay on the ground?'

'What did you get from me? Am I going to be rich and married??' Paige giggled at the last part.

'No, your husband will make you happy and you'll have little paige's and sons. The guy at work is the demon isn't he?' Phoebe didn't like what she saw but she knew that Paige would want the truth.

'Tell us later Phoebe, times marching on and Piper can show off another time.'
Last edited by monstervsangels on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby tigger422 » Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:29 pm

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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby monstervsangels » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:14 am

Prue orbed in next too Carl as he was getting dressed, ''Nice butt!'' smiling at him as he jumped back.

'PRUE!!! Don't do that, your as bad as Sharma.' with that he heaved a sigh and finished tucking his shirt in and doing his hair.

'Carl what's wrong? You know my sisters will help you thats why I sent Paige to Petra. Besides I came here to help you with the little matter of Sharma reading your mind.' smiling she handed him a vile.

'Take it before you go to P3 and it will let you remember everything but not let anyone else including Phoebe read your mind. I know that will be a down side to it for Phoebe but she'll find a way.'

'What if it doesn't work? What ifImage' Carl was nervous and excited all at once about wanting to see Petra and block Sharma.

'No what if's Carl, I got it from my sisters and they are not to know I'm around, or it will take their minds off what they are meant to be doing. Happy memories' with that Prue orbed out of the room leaving Carl to take the potion and find Petra.

As she left she blew up the shapeshifter demon as he went to tell Sharma about Carl, Prue wasn't going to let any one find a way of upsetting this innocents life again.

Picking up her car keys Piper was rushing Paige and Phoebe out the door when the nanny came down the stairs, 'Piper what do I do if he you know?'

'Easy tell him he can play nicely as long as he doesn't attract demons, and if they do come into the house to go see Grams.' smiling she walked out the door, this new nanny wasn't as brave as the last one but was all she could get at short notice.

'Everything Ok Piper?' Paige looked at her sister

'Yeah fine, new nanny since grumpy drawers said it was her night off. Bit scared that demons are going to try and take Wyatt and Chris again.'

'She knew what she was getting into when we booked her, do you think one of us should stay behind instead?' Phoebe tried looking calm.

'No Phoebe, this is Paige's night and no nanny is going to spoil it. Now what's wrong?'

Pulling into the alley way to P3, 'Besides if you get a premonition we can say it's extra entertainment.'

Smiling Piper pulled into her parking space and hopped out of the car, as her sisters joined them Leo orbed in next to Piper.

'Hi stranger, wondered when you were going to get here.' kissing him lovingly all of them walked into P3 and all their friends welcomed Paige warmly.

'I knew this was going to be a party, but didn't think there would be so many people.'

Victor walked up and kissed her warmly, 'Congratulations Paige, on both your promotions.'

Giving Piper and Phoebe a warm hug as well, 'How do you know about the other?'

'As if I needed to guess looking at her sisters, first time you've kept a secret Phoebe.' smiling she hugged them

'Uh, no this would be my umpteenth secret I've kept.'

'True, especially how big this party is. Time to circulate.'

Paige smiled and walked around greeting people, as a young woman walked up to Piper and Phoebe. Prue smiled to herself, this was going to be good too be able to interact with them again.

'Hi.' Piper and Phoebe looked at her, 'Do we know you?'
Phoebe looked suspiciously at the woman as though she knew her.

'Oh I came in with Carl, I just wanted to say thanks for inviting us.' smiling as she pointed Carl out.

Petra was on the other side of the room oblivious of Carl being in P3, that was till Prue/Lauren edged Carl within eye sight.

Paige walked up to Petra, 'Hi Petra, hows it going?'

'Good Paige, I've just seen someone I thought I knew. But it can't be as I saw them die a year or so back, you know Carl my fiancee if I didn't see him die I'd say that was him.'

Pointing towards Carl who happened to look around at the exact same moment, not believing who he saw he lost his breathe.

He couldn't concentrate on anyone or anything but seeing Petra in front of his eyes, as they looked at each other Lauren/Prue gently ushered him towards Petra.

'Hi, I'm Lauren a friend of Carl. I couldn't help but notice that you two seemed to know each other, thought I'd introduce you.'

'Carl??' Petra whispered not daring to believe that he was standing in front of her, alive and well.

'Yeah, Petra?' Carl couldn't believe he had turned just to see her killed and she had been alive all this time, he didn't want her drawn into this and turned to leave.

Lauren put her hand on his arm, 'You two have a lot too talk about, there is a side booth over there. Now go and find each other again.'

As they went over, Paige walked upto Lauren 'How do you know they were meant to be together?'

'I met Carl a year or so ago, he wanted a relationship but he kept talking about Petra and I knew that there was no one else. Oh I'm Lauren by the way, a PI I found Petra a few weeks ago and just needed the right place for them to meet.'

Smiling at herself for thinking she fooled her own sisters, but Phoebe had picked up her bag and drew in a big breathe.

'Whats wrong?' Piper looked at Phoebe who had gone pale.

'That Lauren where is she?'

'Don't know what did you get?'

'It was too quick, but demons, Carl and Petra, and some other woman we are about too meet.'

Just as they rounded the end of the bar Carl and Petra walked out the back arguing about what had happened, walking into the alley way they met up with Sharma.

'Oh how cosy Carl, now if you'll excuse us your fiancee and I have to talk.'

'No you don't!' Prue strode out of the back door about to decloak when her sisters came out behind her.

'What the hell is going on?' Piper looked at Sharma who had a fireball in her hand.

'This is an added bonus, the Charmed Ones come to save the day when they haven't got a clue as usual.'

As she threw the fire ball.........
Last edited by monstervsangels on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Here we go again......or a new start?

Postby monstervsangels » Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:42 pm

Billie flew through the air and knocked Sharma out of the way, as she went to get up Piper not only froze her but blew up Sharma at the same time.

'Wow nice power boost there sis.' Phoebe smiled at Piper who looked at her hands and then at Billie half way through a back flip.

Carl and Petra took the chance when the sisters came out to head back inside, and went back into the club still discussing what they were going to do.

'Whose this?' they gathered around Billie and Piper un froze her head, as she looked around she began to panic.

'Ok who are you?' Phoebe squatted down to look at Billie and take off her disguise.

'What have you done to me?? Get me out of this position, NOW!!!'

'Uh, your in no place to make demands Billie.' Lauren/Prue, knew that Billie would mean more trouble to the girls and wasn't all she said she was.

She'd worked with the underworld for that long getting rid of Sharma meant the underworld had someone stronger, coming into the breach and that meant the Charmed Ones - either went off their radar once and for all with a big battle or a new start in a different reality.

She knew what Leo and the others wanted to show them a life without demons, no conjours from the likes of the avatars or the elders.

Just a plain simple future projection of what might be, if they beat the big bad and they wanted a normal life. Wyatt would still follow his destiny along with Chris, Phoebe would get what she'd always wanted and Paige would live happily with her new man.

But right this moment, there was Billie who they had to take care of one way or the other. Paige looked at Billie and no jingle came, looking at Piper she shrugged and Piper un froze her so she could stand up.

'One lie and you will be blown up. Now who are you and what are you doing here?'

Billie looked at the women around her, she could either fight them or tell them a lie and leave. Taking the latter option was the safest, and started to weave a lie forgetting that Phoebe had her wig and was already picking up some serious messages.

'Blow her up Piper, she's a demon' Phoebe looked at Piper who blew up Billie in mid sentence.

'Whats wrong Phoebe? You know we shouldn't do this in front of non magical people.'

Looking at Lauren/Prue, Phoebe smiled 'Thats ok, she's used to this kind of thing in her line of work, aren't you PRUE!'

'You finally got your power boosts then?' Prue glamoured back into her normal attire, 'Thats much better, now how have you lot been since it's been a few years.'

'YEARS!! YEARS!! PRUDENCE HALLIWELL!!!!' Piper was so mad at her sister, tears began to fall.

'Oh Piper' Prue took Piper into her arms and held her while she cried as Leo walked out the back door.

'So you decided that it was best to show your self then.' he grinned at Prue.

'YOU knew??' Piper looked at Leo who knew better too push her when she was upset.

'It was Prue's choice, she wasn't going to reveal herself at all. She was taking a back role in everything you've done, some times she got involved and you wondered if it was someone else.'

'Piper, Leo made a promise that he knew I wouldn't ask of him unless it was what you needed to stand on your own two feet. And ALL of you have done that so well, alot better than I thought you would.'

Hugging her sisters again, 'Phoebe will you stop blaming yourself for what happened with Shax, it was my time to go. You chose Cole, I understand why you went to save him he done alot of good in that moment than you will ever give him credit for.'

'Paige,' smiling at her sister she'd wanted to get to know all this time.

'Uh yeah, Prue right?' thinking it wasn't going to go well Prue was surprised when Paige wrapped her in a hug, 'I wandered when you were going to get your butt down here. So we could get to know each other, now your here we can get to know each other. Shall we go back into the club so no one gets suspicious?'

They all started to laugh as they walked back into P3, Orthar walked out of the shadows. He'd heard everything they had said, and he wasn't going to waste his time trying to split them up. There was only one thing for it, get the under world together and go up against the girls once and for all, in one big battle that would show who was the most powerful.

As others came out of the shadows to join him, he smiled 'We go back and we make ready to attack in a few weeks, when they are at their weakest. As for Carl and Petra, they are not worth our time release him and let them go.'

'Don't question me, do it or you'll wish you'd done as I asked the first time.' Orthar glared at the nearest demon who waved his hand and Carl and Petra forgot what had happened and thought the other had taken time out to sort their heads out.

Victor walked up to the girls and smiled as he saw Prue, taking her in his arms tears welling up in his eyes. She would always hold a special place in his heart, it had been so long since her funeral that he wanted to hold her forever.

'Victor so glad to see you again.' smiling knowing he caught on well to little things, giving him a quick hug that a distant relative would give.

'So glad to see you again Lauren, glad too see you have got to meet your cousins. It's been years since you were altogether, must be good to be in one place again.'

'What happened to Carl and Petra?' Phoebe looked around for them and found the curled up in a booth.

'Wow that is the fastest get back together we've seen.'
Piper smiled

'No, they don't realise what happened to them. I don't know what happened but they don't realise that Carl was once a demon. How it happened I don't know, but I'll get onto it in the morning for now I want to dance with my darling wife.' smiling at Piper, Leo pulled her to the floor and held her close.

'Those two have become closer since they've had time to breathe from everything else.' Victor smiled at them dancing.

'Phoebe and Paige you will be happy soon enough, as for you Prue hows Andy?'

'Andy's great your a grand dad again for the....'

'Third time now.' Victor interrupted and smiled

'You knew about Prue??' Phoebe was shocked since Victor kept out of all things magical unless he had to, and since it wasn't that often he got involved no one realised how much he did know.

'Yes Phoebe, I knew about Prue. You see she came to me not long after the funeral, to let me know she was ok and was happy with your mother and Grams. Her and Andy have visited many times and I've seen my grand children several times. I know should've told you, but that was what Prue wanted and needed, not only that it's what you, Piper and Paige needed to bond together like you have done.'

Reaching out to touch Phoebe, an undercover detective walked up asking for a dance with Paige who smiled and walked off to the dance floor.

Touching Phoebe, Victor was shocked by the electric shock he got. Phoebe pulled away fast looking distraught she ran to the toilets, Prue reassured Victor and ran after Phoebe.

'You ok?'

'No, I'm not I almost you know Victor.' she couldn't say much as there was a room full of women vying for cubicles and the mirrors. Taking Phoebe by the elbow, Prue directed her into the office out the back where Victor was waiting.

'Don't come near me dad, I'll end up killing you like I did to that baseball player.'

'Don't be silly Phoebe, its nothing like that. That was a past that might have happened if we didn't change our ways. We did and look where we are now, you have that power boost for a GOOD reason.'

Phoebe broke down and started too cry.......
Last edited by monstervsangels on Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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