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Suprises can be Good

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 8:45 pm
by shannendrules3
Set- A clothing store. Phoebe is looking at a dress, it's a great looking dress, but is obviously expensive.

Piper: Un-uh.
Phoebe: What?
Piper: No, Pheebs. Don't even think about it. It's way to expensive.
Phoebe: Whyyy?
Piper: You're not three, Phoebe.
Phoebe: Fine.
Piper: Come on. I need anew pair pf pants.
Phoebe: Sure, dude. You get the clothes.
Piper: I have to host the dinner for Noel.
Phoebe: I still don't see how that relates to you'r pants.
Piper: I have to look good.
Phoebe: So do I! (She goes back to the isle where she saw the dress, and grabs it before Piper can get her.)

Set- In Piper's car.

Piper: I still can't believe you bought that dress. It's way to formal for the party, anyway. Besides, Pheebe, you don't have a job to pay for it.
Phoebe: I'm taking another computer class next week. I might have a knack.
Piper: Phoebe, besides last week, the last time you touched computer, you were fifteen. And it was to prank e-mail your biogoly teacher.
Phoebe: I was young.....and stupid.
Piper: Alright. I have to stop at the grocery store. Noel says his campaign mananger likes turkey. How am I supposed to cook a turkey by tonight?
Phoebe: Beats me.
Piper: Thanks.
Set- Halliwell Manor. Prue is saying good bye to Noel as he leaves in a nice suit for the office.

Noel: Bye, baby.
Prue: Bye. Have fun.
Noel: Ha. I'll try.
Prue: Okay. (They kiss. He walks out and Prue closes the door behind him.)
(The phone rings and Prue runs to get it.)
sorry to cut u guys off. i have to go, but i'll put more later!
