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The Revenge

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 5:40 am
by Kristin Marie
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Summary: EVERYONE is in this story, including Andy ( he is very MUCH alive ) Cole is NOT in this story. Paige is Prue, Piper and Phoebe sister.....NOT HALF. Paige's father is Victor, same as her sisters. Jack Sheridan is in this as well. Phoebe still works for the columnist and Paige is still working as a Social Service. Prue and Andy are married and so is Piper and Leo. They have been married for 3 years.

Things were going great for Prue, a job, her beloved sisters and her beloved husband, Andy...but things started crashing around her. On the eve of the 3 year anniversary of the brutual rape comes back to haunt her...Jack is out for revenge against her and is deadset to finish the job. Her sisters, Andy and Leo rallied around to help stop Jack from destroying Prue's life.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2002 5:45 am
by Kristin Marie
This story is going to take a while for me to write....its long and the hardest.....this story contain a very serious matter and I will be going back and forth to may be confusing at first......but please be patient with me. If you have any question about how far I am going to go with this topic......I haven't yet decided........You can PM.

Rape is a serious topic and I understand that.....Like I said this is the first SERIOUS story I have written so far and it will be the last.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 4:09 am
by Kristin Marie
Jack Sheridan paces in his living room as he kept pounding his fist together with an Imagelook. " Oh, Prue. You have NO idea what I have in stores for you. NOTHING!" He laughed. He wanted revenge against Andy Trudeau as well. " He'll pay too." He demanded. Jack closes his eyes. He remembered 3 years ago.

Andy held Jack up against the wall in Jack's cell as he tries to strangle him. " Don't EVER touch her again."
" You don't control me, Trudeau!" Jack spit in his face as Andy continue to strangle him. Andy grew Imagewith him.
" She never loved you." Jack added. " We were going to get married. NOW she WON'T!" Andy hollered at him and then let go of his kneck. " Thanks to you!" Andy added. " She wanted IT! You should have seen it. She enjoyed every minute of it." Jack gave him the details.
" You son of..." Andy punched him. " That's for Prue and I. Your going to rot in jail for the rest of your miserable life, Sheridan! You will NEVER hurt another person again!" Andy told him as he took one look at his fiance rapist and then left the room.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 4:23 am
by Kristin Marie

Prue sat at the kitchen table, looking over her photo's, she just couldn't help but wonder about Jack Sheridan.

" Hey, Prue." Paige sat along side her eldest sister.
" How did you sleep last night?" She added as Prue looks at her baby sister. " Well. Horrible. I can't help but this about what happened." Prue told her as Phoebe and Piper walked in. " What are we talking about?" Piper ask as she sat down. " Jack Sheridan." Both Paige and Prue told her as Phoebe made a Image Imageface. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. " Do we have to talk about him?" Phoebe took a deep breathe. " Forget about him, Prue. He's nothing." " I am trying, Phoebe." Prue glances at her sister. " It won't work. I keep thinking about that awful night...I thought my life was over..." " Prue, don't do this to your self." Piper cut in. Phoebe put her arms around her sister and so did the others. " We would NEVER let him hurt you again. That's a promise." Phoebe told her. Leo came in and Phoebe and Paige headed off to work as Leo orbed out. Piper didn't want to leave her sister. " Piper, go to work."
" Are you sure, Prue?" " Yes. Go." Prue urges her and Piper left for work as Andy came down. " Leaving so soon, my love?" Prue kissed him. " I have a big meeting." " Okay." " Why aren't you at work, my darling." He ask as they walk to the foyer. " I am..Soon."
" Okay. Love you, Prue Trudeau." " Me too, Captain Trudeau." They passionatly kissed and they both left the house.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 4:36 am
by Kristin Marie
Prue had trouble sleeping that night. She got out of bed, being careful not to wake her husband. She slowly walked out of the room and then went to check on her sisters and then headed downstairs. She sat in the dark kitchen, drinking hot tea. She couldn't get Jack
Sheridan out of her mind.

PAST= 2000

Prue was still working at Bucklands Auction House, almost on the verge of handing her regination. She was exhausted of working there. She just got engaged to her high school sweetheart of 17 years. When her and Andy broke up, only for a short time. Jack Sheridan, who worked at Bucklands Auction House saw how vunerable she was, took advantage of her. Jack made several attempts to ask her out but she decline. Jack wouln't say no for an answer. He then sent countless of flowers, poems and letters.......she later accepted....but later broke up with him. When she did,
he became violence and abusive.....not to mention a drunk. " Damn it, Prue. We're in love!" " No, Jack. We are not in love. You may think we are but we aren't." She told him, but he wouldn't listen. " NO! You love me and I know you do." " Look, we went out a few times and that was it." She walks out of her office with him behind her.....Jack threw a rage as he pushed to the wall and kissed her. " Jack, STOP!" She could smell alochol on him. " Let GO of me, damn it!" She pushes him away and then walked away. " YOUR MINE! You will ALWAYS be MINE! I WILL NOT let you GO back to Andy!"
He hollered at her as Prue turns around. " You need help!" She hollered and then disappeared.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 4:49 am
by Kristin Marie

Prue woke up on the couch with Andy besides her. She sat up. " Honey, are you alright? You look flushed." He stroke his wife's hair. " Let's go back to bed, Prue." He insisted. " I can't, Andy. I can't. Everytime I close my eyes I just picture him....touching me......hitting me."
" He's not here." Andy looking around. " I know. Its been..It seemed just like yesterday....He's out to get me. I know he is." " Don't do this." Andy tries to console her. " I am scared. You know what he's like. He's a dangerous man." Prue told him as he stood up.
" I am going to make us a pot of tea and we will talk." He disappeared into the kitchen......Prue went back into time.


Prue and Andy were embracing. They just got back together again. They were crying and kissing as a jealous Jack looked on. " Oh, Andy!" " I'm sorry. I hurt you." " Its okay." " No, it's not. Let me make it up to you." They kissed and Jack, who was watching, didn't like what he was seeing. " When will you and Susan be divorced?" " In a few days, Prue. Few days." Andy smiles at her. " Once its final, we will be wed." He added. Later, she told her sisters the news and the Halliwell's sisters celebrated. As they planned there wedding, Jack planned on destroying Prue's life. All he needed was a place to take her and have her all to himself.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 5:06 am
by Kristin Marie

The Alarm Clock bared as Andy touch the nooze button and leaned over to Prue, who was fast asleep. Over breakfast he confided to his brother -in-law, Leo. " Prue had another restless nite?" Leo ask. " Yes. I think its getting worse and worse. She's think he is out to get her again." " Do you think she could be right, Andy?"
" I don't know, Leo. How in the hell I'm I going to protect my wife from that monster? If he thinks of laying a hand on my wife, I will kill him." " Your not alone, Bro. I would do the same thing if it were my wife." Leo told him.

Prue stayed in bed, which worried her sisters. Phoebe walk into her sister's room and sat besides her.
" Prue, are you going to work today?" " I don't want too, Pheebs." Prue told her. Phoebe sighed. " You do this every year. You close down on us. Prue, honey, don't do this to us. Yes, you were brutally raped." " He almost killed me." Prue finishes for her sister. " I know. But, Sweetie, he's behind bars. He can't hurt you."
" He's back, Pheebs." Prue told her as Piper walks in.
" How can he be back, Prue?" Piper climbed into bed.
" I can feel him, Piper." " What do you mean?" Piper ask.
" He's here. He's not done." " think he's out? He can't be." Piper didn't want to sound frighten Image
" Oh, Sweetie." Piper brush her sister's hair back. " He's in jail for life. There's no way he's comming out." She added. " This is another anniversary....and you reliving it what had happened." Phoebe told her. " Its common to feel that way. But your safe now." Piper assures her.
" No! Don't you get it? He's after me! I'm NOT safe anymore!" Prue got up and left the room. Both Piper and Phoebe looked at eacho ther, searching for answers. " Are you thinking what I am thinking Phoebe?" " No. I..I mean how could he..." " There's no way." Piper told her. " How do we know for sure, Piper? Remember the threat he made to her before they hauled him out to the chambers?" " I remember. IF Prue is right about this...I ..oh, god, Pheebs. I just can't think about this." " I know, Piper. I know." Both sisters sat and pondered, they were scared for there sister's safety.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 5:20 am
by Kristin Marie
Prue is at her desk at 415 magazine......she was looking out the window when Jack arrived into the room. " Well
hello, Prudence Halliwell. Long time no see!" He laughed.
" Oh, please, don't turn around on my account." He continue to laugh. Prue kept mumbling to herself......hoping when she turns around he won't be there. " Oh, come on, Prudence." He added as he walks up to her and spoke into her ears. " I'm back! Image I came back just for you." He told her as she turns to him with an Imagelook. " Your NOT Jack. Your a horrible nightmare!"
She blasted him as he laughed, hysterically. " GET OUT!"
She added. " NO! Not until we talk." He pleaded with her. I told you that I will be back and this how you welcomed me." " Well, excuse me for not taking out the welcome mat for you." Prue stood there, crossing her arms. " YOU are suppose to be in jail. H." " Interesting you asked...funny, though. In fact you might think its funny." " Don't count on it." She just stood there staring at him. She walks to her phone as Jack ran to her and stop her. " I wouldn't touch the phone if I were you." Jack laughed at her.

The Revenge

PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 8:12 pm
by Dianna
Hmmm interesting story, it deals with a very serious topic. I am looking forward to reading more. Image

You should write a book or something Image

The Revenge

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 2:50 am
by piperis2cool
Prueeeeeeeeeeee! Yesssssssssssssssssss! Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image