Tricks of the mind.

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Tricks of the mind.

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:21 am

Ok ive been thinking of sharing a story/script with you guys that i wrote for my college essay. It's based in Australia many, many years ago. I got an a* for this.... enjoy !!!!

Trick of the mind.

1 Shannen.
2 Holly.
3 Hermione.
4 Harry.
5 Michael.

We start our story in a dusty old inn, in the small town of Coober Pedy, in the Australian outback. Our characters are sitting around a rickety table, on part-broken chairs. Talking about a legend that had been going round town for many a year. The legend of the Fountain of Desire.
The legend states that once the smooth liquid of the fountain slides its way down your parched throat, you’re most desperate desires will soon find you. Many men have travelled across the arid desert, many to their deaths, for they would perish in the heat.
(Opening scene: - Shannen is trying to persuade her friends to go on a journey to find the fountain.)

Shannen: - “I say we do it, pack up the horses and just go.”
Harry:- “ But don’t you think it’ll be dangerous, I mean it’s over 360 miles away, and there’s no guarantee the legend is really true.”
Shannen: - “Oh it’s true alright, my gramps told me so.”
Holly: - “Oh your ‘gramps’ told you so, so it’s automatically true? Come-on Shannen, he’s not exactly all there lately is he?”
Shannen: - “That’s not true, and anyway, he’s the smartest man in this town, people just don’t understand him is all.”
Hermione: - “ Well I believe him, why would anyone risk their own grandchild deciding to go all that way for a wild goose chase, if there wasn’t anything to it. I say the legend is true, and Shannen’s pops wants her to go after her hearts desire.”
Shannen:-“Thank you ‘Mione.” (Shannen smiles at her friend.)
Michael:-“I think your all nuts, i mean come on, it’s all that way! What happens if we run out of water, or food, or both. What if one of the horses suffers? What if we suffer...?”
Holly:- “...yea, or die?”
Hermione:-“Come on Hol’s, we aren’t going to die. If all of us pack our horses with enough supplies we will be fine. I’m with you Shannen, I say we do it.”
Michael:-“Yes, but what if....?”
Hermione:-“What if you don’t say what if anymore Michael. Come on you guys, it’s an adventure, or would you rather die in this place never having done anything remotely exciting?”
(Total silence, while they contemplate this thought, until Harry speaks.)
Harry: - “Well, when you put it that way... I’m in.”
Shannen:-“Great!! I know you’re in ‘Mione, what about you two?”
(Short pause were Holly and Michael look at each other, contemplating, then they both nod, then exit to prepare for their journey.)


We open with the five friends and their gallant steeds one day into the journey, they have set up camp, and are currently settled down for a night in the desert, in their tents, they are woken by their horses, shrill terrified cries, the sound shocked them to the core but almost as soon as it had begun, the cries stopped, and the group took tender looks out into the desert night, the sight that greeted them was one of utter bloodshed, out of the five horses they had set out with only one remained, and she was currently on her side, on the arid desert floor writhing in pain, Shannen rushed over to her, but gasped at the sight of a huge open wound on her side. Immediately tearing of part of her t-shirt, she attempted to stem the bleeding.
Shannen:- “She’s been bitten!!”
Holly: - “What? By what?”
(Holly kneels down by Shannens side and tries to calm the horse by stroking her mane)
Michael:-“Whatever it is, it must have a huge mouth. That bite looks like it’s bigger than our heads.”
Harry:-“Where are the other horses, we can see for miles but they are nowhere in sight, how is that possible? It’s like they were swallowed by the desert.”
(He is brought out of his musing by a strangled sob, he turns to the sound.)
Shannen:-“She’s gone, Nugget’s gone”

Michael:- “ What are we going to do now? We only have one bottle of water, and a few bits of food left, how are we going to survive on that?”
Harry:-“It will have to do until we find a waterhole, there is bound to be wildlife near a waterhole, we’ll just have to eat what happens to be there.”
Michael:-“ As gross as that sounds, it may now be our only option, but for now I say we should get a bit more sleep, it’s a long journey tomorrow, and we only have our feet to carry us, I’ll stay awake, to keep an eye on this place, so whatever took the horses doesn’t take us.”
Shannen: - “Are you sure? It’s going to be a long day tomorrow?”
Harry:-“Why don’t you do a few hours then wake me up and I’ll take over?”
Micheal:-“ok, now go sleep.”

The group settled down, and all too soon it was morning, sitting up in her tent, Shannen stretched and was disturbed mid stretch by Holly’s voice outside the tents.

Holly:-“Well, were is he then, Harry, did he not wake you last night?”
Harry:-“No, I’ve only just woke up, i went to ask Mike why he didn’t get me up and he’s nowhere to be seen.”

(Shannen steps out of her tent and joins the group.)
Shannen:-“Could he have gone of trying to find what took the horses? Do you think?”
Holly: - “It’s possible; I say we go look for him.”
Harry: - “Yea I agree, I’ll get ‘Mione and we’ll set off.”

He walks over to Hermione’s tent and pokes his head inside; the scream that leaves his throat is terrifying. He stumbles backwards and falls to the floor. The other girls rush over and take a peek inside, were soon after they both recoil backwards, for were their good friend once lay was now a bloody mass of what remained of her. Shannen throws up and Holly soon follows. Regaining his composure first Harry stands and retreats to his tent, returning seconds later with an oil lantern and some matches. After opening the lantern, he poured it over the whole tent and struck a match. As the friends watched the tent burn, they huddled together, three friends in shock.
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Tricks of the mind.

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:22 am

After the three friends had gathered all their water and food, they decided to leave the tents carrying just three blankets in a backpack and continue, assuming Michael had met a similar fate to Hermione. Shannen knew what her desire would be when she reached the fountain, and she was certain the other two were thinking the same thing.
Holly: - “What do you suppose it is?”
Holly:-“Whatever is stalking us?”
Harry:- “ I don’t know, but it can’t be any type of human or animal we know about, not by the size of that bite on Nugget, and how bad ‘Mione....”

He trails off as he remembers his friend.
Holly: - “It’s ok Harry, I know you loved her, you did the right thing back there.”
Shannen:-“I’m sorry you two, this is my entire fault, I should never have made you come with me.” She hung her head.

Harry stopped turned to face Shannen and put his hands on her shoulders, she looked up at him.
Harry: - “We wanted to, we wouldn’t have let you go on your own, don’t ever blame yourself, Shay, you wasn’t to know what was going to happen.”

He pulled her into his arms and she gratefully appreciated his warmth, it was just what she needed at that moment. She pulled away and looked at Holly.

Shannen:-“Are we ok?”
Holly paused for a moment then spoke.

Holly:-“Maybe we should keep going.”

Shannen watched her friend walk on, she knew she blamed her, Shannen looked at Harry and continued after her friend. They walked for miles, Harry pulling out a map every now and then, and they covered many miles. Not once did they come across any sign of Michael or what took him. They found a shady area under a desert tree and pulled out the last of their water and food.
Harry:-“Well this is the last of it, there is enough for a good gulp each, so i suggest we have short sips, to preserve what we can. I’ll dig around here while we rest, if there is a tree, there will have to be a water source. Why don’t you ladies get a bit of sleep, I’ll keep watch over you.”

The girls nodded and pulled their blankets out of the backpack, they were soon asleep, exhausted after their long journey. Harry watched them sleep for a short while, then he began digging away at the sand with a tent peg he saved from their tents. He only found small amounts of water but he scooped it up anyway in a spare flask, not knowing whether it was safe to drink or not, but he reasoned it would have to do. The girls slept for a few hours then Shannen woke and took over from Harry, it stayed that way till the following morning, when after a nibble at some peanuts they went on their way again. Half way into their trip, Holly collapsed, Harry and Shannen rushed to her side.

Holly:- “ I can’t go on, I’m walked out. You two go on without me.”
Harry:-“No we are not leaving you, come on.”

Harry and Shannen pulled her to her feet, and placed her arms around their shoulders to steady her. They walked like this for a short while, until they couldn’t take Holly’s weight much longer, and they all collapsed.

Harry:- “ I think we should rest here for a bit.”
Shannen:-“How far do you think we’ve walked since we started out on this trip?”
Holly:-“Too far”
Shannen: - “We have to be close; I mean we covered quite a distance on the horses!”
(Harry stands and looks as far into the distance as he can see, he smiles.)
Harry: - “I think I can see the top of the Rock, so not very far to go.”
Holly:-“Thank the lord for that”

She sits up, a new light shining in her eyes, the light of hope. After resting for a few more hours, they set of walking again.

We open with our friends leaving three days of further travelling behind them. They are getting ever closer to their destination, and it is looming large in their sights now, Uluru, the rock were the fountain is fabled to be.

Harry:-“I’d say we’ll be there by tomorrow night if we rest tonight. Then we can finally get what we have come all this way to claim.”
Shannen:-“There is only one thing I desire, and its impossible, I want Hermione and Michael back.”
Harry pulled her into his musty chest and hugged her tight.
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Tricks of the mind.

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:22 am

Harry:-“Me too, Shay, me too.”
Holly:-“At least whatever took them and the horses doesn’t seem to have a taste for us, what do you suppose it was anyway?”
Harry:-“No idea, but I’m guessing it wasn’t human, that’s for sure. It must be some sort of burrowing monster...”
Shannen:-“Why burrowing?”
Harry:-“How else would it vanish from sight after taking four horses, it would have had to use the only means of disguise available, the sand.”
Shannen:-“Yea, true. But what would it be? A huge worm or mole-type creature?”
Harry:-“They are both possibilities, we still need to keep our eyes out for whatever it was, you ladies get some sleep, I’ll keep watch, Holly you take over in a few hours.”

The ladies settled down and Harry began his watch, he looked at Uluru, his mind wandering back to the last time he saw Hermione. He had realized many months ago, that he loved her and now she was gone, victim to whatever was stalking them. A small tear fell down his dusty face.
Shannen felt her heart break, as she watched him, she felt responsible for his pain, if she hadn’t gotten them all to go on this stupid journey, her friends would still be alive right now. With this thought torturing her, she fell into a fitful sleep.

The following morning she awoke, to silence, looking round she could see only Harry, asleep on his blanket, , she stood and looked around, a sense of dread building in her breast, where was Holly? She would never have just wandered off, not after what happened to Michael and Hermione. She heard what sounded like her name being whispered and looked around for the sound, a short distance away she saw the top of a brunette head and rushed over to her friend. She was shocked to see that Holly was scratched up, and bleeding madly.

Shannen: - “Hol’s what happened? Who did this to you?”
Holly:-“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you Shay (pause) it was this disgusting dragon like creature, (pause) it came swooping down at me when i was standing guard, it caught me but I managed to escape, but not before it dug its claws into me. I ran as fast as I could to keep it away from you guys. It chased me into a small crevice where I hid, I don’t know how long for. I prayed it wouldn’t come back for you guys, I’m so happy you’re ok.”
Harry:-“where was you guys? I was getting worried?”
Harry said rushing up to the girls.
Shannen: - “Sorry Harry, I couldn’t find Holly, but just wait till you hear what she saw last night!”
Harry looked at Holly properly for the first time and was shocked by her injuries, he dropped to her side.
Harry: - “Oh my god Hol’s, how did this happen? Lets get you back to the blankets, I’ve got a first aid kit in my back pack, I can fix you up, and then you can tell us everything ok?”
Holly nod’s and Harry and Shannen help her up, she stumbles momentarily but regains her balance and she makes it back to the tree, after retelling the story to Harry, they decided to carry on with their journey and not stop except for Holly to have short breaks.

Finally they reached their destination and as the girls collapsed to the ground at the foot of the rock, Harry looked around the rock for an opening.
Harry: - “We made it, at last, now to find an entrance.”
Shannen:-“Harry just sit, take a load off, here have some tree water.”

Harry looked down at his friends, and though they were dirty and dishevelled, they had never looked happier, as he himself was, to finally arrive. Now all he wanted to do was find the Fountain of Desire, wish for his friends back, and go home. He had had enough of an adventure to last him a life time, and quite frankly he missed his own bed. As he looked around the dry, walls of the rock, he was looking for any kind of opening. He found a hole, big enough to fit a body through; he looked towards the girls, and called out.

Harry:-“I think I’ve found something, could be an opening, I’m going to check it out.”
The girls stood and walked over to Harry; Shannen looked at the hole and wasn’t convinced.

Shannen:-“It doesn’t look very big Harry, what if it’s just a hole and you get stuck? How would we get you out?”
Harry thought about this.
Harry:-“Good point, Shay.”

Harry looked around and spotted a tree with a long branch, and he had some rope in his backpack, he would use them both to explore the holes opening. Delving into his backpack, he pulled out the rope, placed in on the floor, he also pulled out the knife he carried and used that to cut down the branch. Once he had what he needed, he sat on the dusty floor, and tied the rope around his ankles; he then looked up at the girls.
Harry:-“Ok I’m going to crawl in on my belly with the branch in front of me, kind of acting like my eyes. If you hear me scream or shout i want you to pull on the rope, with all your might, to pull me back, ok?”

Holly:-“Are you sure Harry, it sounds awfully dangerous?”
Harry saw the fear in her eyes and felt for her, if he was honest with himself, he wasn’t so sure about this plan either, but they had to try.
Harry:-“I’ll be fine Hol’s, now help me up and into the hole will you both please?”
Shannen:-“Ok but when you run out of rope we’ll tug on it to let you know ok?”
Struggling to hold his weight, the girls managed the task and after finally managing to get him into the hole they grabbed hold of the rope and waited.
Holly:-“I don’t like this, I have a bad feeling.”
Shannen:-“Me too, but we just have to trust that he knows what he’s doing.”
Holly:-“Do you think this is the opening? Did your Grandpa say were it was?”
Shannen:-“ No just about the fountain, he described the chamber leading into it and the room itself but not where the entrance was, I think he wanted me to find it for myself, he always was big on that whole sense of achievement kick.”
Holly:-“Well, I just hope it’s for real, I would hate to have come all this way for nothing.”

Shannen didn’t miss the dig at her in Holly’s last words, but she chose to ignore them, after all she had been questioning her reasons herself. Looking at Holly for a moment she wondered what she would desire for when they reached the Fountain. As if reading her mind, Holly spoke.
Holly:-“I would desire to be home again, I miss my mom and pops, and even my little sister, annoying as she was. Coming on this trip has taught me that home is where the heart is, and my heart is back in Coober Pedy”
Shannen:-“I would desire for our friends back, Hermione especially, and to be home, I agree with you, I’ve had enough excitement.”
They lapsed into silence and watched as the last of the rope began sliding through their fingers. Shannen tugged hard on the rope to let Harry know it was coming to an end, when it went limp in her hands. She began pulling and pulling and soon the other end slipped back out of the hole, but there was no Harry. A sense of dread flooded her chest and as she looked at Holly, she could see she had the same feeling.

Shannen:-“Harry? HARRY?”
Holly:-“Oh god, oh god oh god, this can’t be happening, this CANNOT be happening, not again...”
Shannen :-“ I’m going in.”
Holly:-“The hell you are, you’re not leaving me on my own.”
Shannen: - “Holly, I’m going in, come with me if you want, but I’m going in. Don’t try and stop me.”
Shannen:-“I’ve lost too many friends already; I’m not going to lose Harry too, now I’m going in with or without you.”
Holly looked at Shannen’s determined face and simply nodded.
Shannen:-“Ok, let’s do this.”

Shannen climbed into the hole and began crawling forwards on her belly, Holly followed her lead and the two women crawled for what seemed like ages until they came to a bigger opening, where they saw, yes they weren’t dreaming, there was Harry exploring the walls off the cavern.
Harry was shocked to hear her voice and spun around, only to be covered in long black tendrils of hair.
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Tricks of the mind.

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:23 am

Harry:-“I thought I told you girls to stay out side the rock till I came back for you?”

Shannen and Holly:-“when the rope came back without you on it we got scared.”
Harry:-“Whoa, girls, slow down there. But now you’re here I think I’ve found another opening, over here.”

Harry led the girls to a bare looking cave wall, and showed them the trace of what looked like a door frame.

Harry:-“The only problem is I can’t figure out how to open it.”

Harry said rubbing his chin, looking at the wall. Holly felt deflated and sat down heavily on an opposite rock, only for it to almost collapse under her, causing the wall Harry was looking at to rise and reveal a huge chamber, Harry looked at Holly, and smiled.
Harry:-“Way to go you Holly, I’d have never thought to check the rocks.”
Holly just smiled and joined Harry and Shannen as they walked attentively through the now opened doorway. What they saw awed them all, for in front of them was a huge staircase, and at the top a large three tier fountain, sprouting out fresh tasty water. The trio stood staring at the wonder in front of them, and then slowly began walking towards the steps.

Shannen:-“ We found it, can you believe we found it. My Grandpa was right all along.”
Holly:-“I’ll never doubt him again, Shay.”
Harry:-“Me either.”
None of them took their eyes of their prize as they climbed the steps, side by side, all three of them with nerves building inside them. After what seemed like ages they reached the top, as they faced the now magnificent fountain in their sights, they looked into the clear crystal waters and each delved their hands in, they drank thirstily until they were satisfied. Sitting down on the steps leading up to the fountain, they waited for the miracle to happen. But nothing did. Disappointed they filled their flask with water and started their descent down the stairs. All of a sudden they were knocked to the ground by a pair of huge wings, and they looked up at a monstrous looking creature, it opened its mouth and screeched, Harry fell backwards and his hand fell on a spear, most likely left by another weary traveller in search of the fountain. He brought it up as the beast went to attack him and stabbed it in the chest, the scream that came from its mouth was deafening, and as it fell on top of Harry, it uttered its final breath.

Almost as if in slow motion, the trio collapsed to the floor, and into a deep sleep. They woke soon after, not one of them knowing how long they had been out, and were shocked to see they were in their own beds. Harry jumped up and looked around himself in awe. Had it all been a dream?
Rushing out of his room, he saw his mother, busy cooking as always, and he rushed over and gave her a hug, then he rushed out of the house, leaving a startled woman behind. He reached the middle of the square in Coober Pedy’s town centre and saw Shannen and Holly rushing towards him. They all embraced and jumped up and down.
Shannen:-“We did it, we came home!”
Holly:-“I can’t believe it, and my scars have gone too.”
Harry:-“But what about…?”
Shannen:-“Hermione and Michael?”
Harry:-“Should we go to their houses and see if they are here?”
Shannen:-“I will if you will.”
Holly:-“I’ll go to Michael’s and Shay’ and Harry, you go to Hermione’s.”
Harry:-“Lets all meet back in the inn, if they aren’t here, we will need to think of something to tell their parents.”
The three friends went off to their friends homes and nervously knocked on their doors. Shannen and Harry both waited, they knew Hermione lived alone and were nervous as to what they would do if she did answer the door now. Slowly the door began to open and the two friends held their breath. They were pleased to see a sleepy Hermione opening the door, rubbing her eyes.
Hermione:-“Hey you guys, what time is it? I’ve had the weirdest dream….oof.”
She was stopped saying anymore by Harry and Shannen throwing themselves onto her and almost knocking her down.
Hermione:-“Hey, calm down who died here?”
Harry:-“You have no idea how happy I am to see you.”
He showed how happy he was by planting a huge kiss on her shocked lips. Shannen coughed and looked away, secretly happy for them.
Shannen:-“I’ll meet you two at the inn.”
She smiled and headed to Michael’s and was pleased to see a happy Holly dragging Michael by the hand, though he was protesting.
Michael:-“Will someone tell this woman to stop clawing my hand and tell me what the devil is going on, one minute I’m sleeping and the next being dragged from my bed... I’m totally confused.”
Harry:-“It’s a long story, but we have all the time in the world to tell it.”

The end.
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Tricks of the mind.

Postby lilmisshalliwell » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:24 am

So here it is, took me ages to write for college but my tutor LOVED it. Told me it was distinction work... what do you guys thinkImage
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Re: Tricks of the mind.

Postby GraceHalliwell » Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:10 am

:thumbsup: :omg: :proud: :theman: :dude: Awesome just so good
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