Is it just me....

Talk about ultra trendy Beverly Hills, and Shannen's character Brenda right here, right now!

Is it just me....

Postby lil4leafclover » Sun Sep 09, 2007 2:15 pm

Is it just me but when during season 4, Brenda's roles keep getting smaller and smaller.. She might have a few episodes about her but thats about it. It just seems she is sort of off in her own little world. Did they do this purposely?

It was kind of disappointing because I liked Brenda, and it was kind of sad to see her off in the distance.. I guess it started to happen when Kelly backstabbed her and took her boyfriend, maybe? But still...


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Is it just me....

Postby kaelyn23 » Sun Sep 09, 2007 6:56 pm

No it's not just you. I feel the same way. You're talking about how in season 4 she is only in an episode like 3 or 4 times right? I'm glad someone finally brought this up and probably understands me when I ask the same thing. There's a few episodes in season 3 where she's only in an episode 3 or 4 times too. It seems like they were doing it purposely which is wrong and very, very rude and mean of them cause Shannen Doherty is a wonderful, wonderful actress and Brenda was the best character on the show. Brenda Walsh Forever!!
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Is it just me....

Postby lil4leafclover » Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:17 am

Yes thats exactly what I mean.. And when she had her own episode, it was like her own thing, it wasn't really relevant to the gang... It wasn't how it was like when they were all in highschool together.. It's kinda like for Andrea too.. She's not really a big part of it either, all you see her is maybe saying her oppinion a few times but thats all.. Only big thing that happened to her was that she became pregnant.. I don't know.. It was really weird..


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Is it just me....

Postby kaelyn23 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:41 am

Yes I agree with you. It's not like how it was in high school. And Brenda only had like 4 storylines in season 4: her moving to Minneapolis then coming back home, the whole Stuart whirl-wind romance, getting arrested and auditioning for and starring in that play.
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Is it just me....

Postby lil4leafclover » Tue Sep 11, 2007 12:50 pm

Exactly... And none of those storylines really had to do with any of the characters.. Well, maybe the exception of the audition one but still.. Where's the friendships in all of this.. When she came back from Minneapolis, they all seemed kind of angry at her.. I thought they'd be happy.. It's really sad..


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Is it just me....

Postby kaelyn23 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 7:22 pm

Yes I agree, it is really sad. Yeah it seemed like Dylan was the only one who was happy she was back. And also he helped her out when she was arrested and didn't listen to whatever Jesse had told Donna and Kelly in that episode. Also, it was really mean and sad what Brandon says to Brenda in that 60s diary episode. Brandon's mean to her in a few episodes in season 3 and 4 in my opinion. You are right where is the friendships? Like after she got held up at the Peach Pit and went to her therapy session all her friends were calling the house all day, as Brandon says, and asking how she was. I thought it was nice that they came by to see her when she came home. Even Steve seemed concerned. That's one of the reasons why I like the high school years. The friendships. In season 4 it was like everyone was ganging up on Brenda.
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Is it just me....

Postby lil4leafclover » Tue Sep 11, 2007 11:19 pm

Thats exactly it! Dylan was definitely the nicest of them all to Brenda.. But Kelly was fed up with him and acted like a jealous girlfriend. Before she even went out with Dylan, she was Brenda's best friend.. She should have been the one to support her along with Dylan about the arrest thing.. That was also sad about Andrea going against her because "Jesse said...."

The only true friend aside from Dylan would probably be Donna. Although Donna is tied up with David most of the time. And where was her twin brother in all of this? I thought they had a pretty close relationship.. Like when they were in high school, they would go into each other rooms and talk about their lives.. I don't seem much of that happening...


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Is it just me....

Postby kaelyn23 » Thu Sep 13, 2007 1:31 am

Yes I totally agree with everything you said. I know exactly what you mean. In high school Brandon would talk to Brenda and/or get her opinion on something or the other way around. No wonder Shannen wanted to leave 90210 or whatever happened there. I actually feel for Shannen cause honestly the fourth season it seemed like it was just her so called "friends" and twin brother (minus Dylan and sometimes Donna) ganging up on her. Donna said a great quote to Andrea in an episode I recently watched that is so true, "It's like whatever held us together in high school is gone now" or it's something along those words. And she's right. The friendships changed in the fourth season. It's a real shame Shannen had to leave the show. She was honestly the first one I noticed on the show and why she is my fave character and actress. I saw the episode 'Meeting Mr. Pony' and I was hoooked! She's a talented and wonderful actress. I don't even like watching season 5, it's not the same without her.
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Is it just me....

Postby lil4leafclover » Thu Sep 13, 2007 2:03 am

Amen to that.

Beverly Hills is starting to remind me of Charmed in some ways. In Beverly Hills, she was like all cozy with everyone, right? Same for Charmed.. But when she left, the cozy feeling was gone..

It really is a shame that happened in season 4.. Well obviously it would have been too much of a stretch if they kept leaving them into high school but they could have at least made an effort to put everyone's storylines together instead of making it separate or centering 2 people. A lot of season 4 episodes left around at least 3 characters in the background and Brenda was there the most.. It was really sad..

Brenda was a good character, you were able to sense change and her innocence being altered. She was all around a good character but had her moments. That made her balanced. Which makes her more realistic since no one is perfect and its easier to relate that way. We were able to really understand the pressures of a teenager especially when Brenda played through that. I really wished that they had more of that in season 4..

I liked Meeting Mr. Pony also.. It really scared me though, sent shivers down my spine...


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Is it just me....

Postby sarah01 » Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:33 am

i noticed that to! but i thought it was a little more in season 3 then season 4 cus in season for there was the time when they did stuff around stuart and brenda but after brenda finds out what a lieing cheating backstabbing sl*T kelly is its like brenda is barely even there and everything becomes about kelly i think it was cus thats when people started talking about shannen leaving so the writers might have been trying to slowly show less and less brenda Image , i kinda think thats why they had dylan choose kelly but thats just me lol
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