Tell us about yourselves

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Tell us about yourselves

Postby Kristin Marie » Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:12 pm

[color=#FF0080]As a moderator, my job here over the years has it amazing challenges..I get to ask members all sorts of questions and do other amazing stuff too.

So I would love to open up the boards again and see if we can get busy again...So new members or older, please come and tell us a bit about yourselves.

I am not posting personal questions...these are fun ones.

1. What is your full name? My name is Kristin Marie Leone
2. Do you have nicknames? Mine is Kris or Krissy...most of the time its Krissy
3.Favorite vacations spot? Mine is Key West
4.Your Occupation? Mine is Volunteering
5.Favorite Color? Red, Dark Pink and Blue
6.Favorite book author? Mine is Sherryl Woods
7.Favorite number? Mine is 24
8.Favorite Tv Show? Mine is Pretty Little Liars
9. Comedy or Horror? Mine is both..its depends..LOL!!!
10. When is your birthday? Mine is in November
11.Favorite Hobby? Mine is Reading and Writing
12.Do you prefer long or short hair? I prefer long
13.Favorite Restaurant? Mine is Olive Garden and Texas Road house
14.Favorite breed of dogs? Creme Color Golden Retriever
15. Is Shannen Doherty your role model? My answer is yes

I hope you enjoy these I am looking forward to all your answers.

Happy posting

Love and Hugs,

Kristin Marie[/color]
Last edited by Kristin Marie on Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: put as sticky
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Kristin Marie
Global Moderator
Posts: 1775
Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2001 8:17 am
Location: Newnan, GA

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