Board Rules

Got some questions you would like to ask Shannen? This is the place to post them! Shannen will answer as many as she can. She will also posting in this section with news on her career. Please read the rules before posting your question. Thank you.

Board Rules

Postby Dianna » Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:00 pm

1. No swearing or abusive language.

2. Upper case letters are considered as 'shouting', so please don't use them.

3. No spam or advertising without permission from Admins.

4.Please do not give out personal details, we are not repsonsible for those who take that risk.

5.Respect members and treat others how you expect to be treated.

6. If there is a problem, send a private message to Admins or Moderators.

7. Say NOTHING disrespectful about Shannen, these boards are here to admire her, so if you don't like her, you're in the wrong place!

8. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but please, NO arguing at any time. These are peaceful boards that should be a pleasure to visit, lets keep it that way!

9. Admin Team have the right to delete any innapropriate messages or threads, and we hold the right to ban anybody we feel is breaking the rules. We can refuse access to anybody not suitable to visit or anybody who could put this website in danger or upset our members. This is all at OUR discretion.

10. Any pictures that members contribute to this website, with permission of course, will become property of this website to use at our convenience.

11. Remember, children visit these boards, and we do not want to subject them to adult content such as sexually explicit discussions. Any such threads will be removed and members involved in them will be immediately banned.

12. Do not duplicate topics - and don't double post. If you need to add anything, edit your message.

13. Respect the fact that Admin/ Moderators have authority to change anything about these boards at our discretion.

14. Anyone under 16 must be supervised by an adult when you use these boards. Not everybody on the internet is genuine, and regretably, we're sure that is also the case on these boards. It is for your own safety, guys.

15. We are not responsible for what other members may post or the opinions or views they have, but if they discriminate in any way, once informed we will ban the member and remove their posts.

16. Harrassing Shannen will NOT be tolerated. Do not ask her to phone or visit your house.

17. Racists, Homophobics and any other discriminating parties are NOT welcome here. We are multi-cultural at these boards and that kind of behaviour simply will not be accepted.

18. If we see any signs of internet grooming, hacking, or any other illegal activities, we will bring it to the attention of the Authority's. Remember, we FULLY co-operate with the POLICE.

19. Do no give anybody your password.

20. Lastly, you are not allowed to use a Proxy Server to access this website. Members MUST be identified in the unfortunate circumstances of any illegal activity.

21. 21. NO POSTING ON Shannen's personal and or private life. Also questions in PM's about Shannen's private life will not be answered by us. Shannen trusts this board and above all Dianna. Therefor we can't and won't break that trust she has in us all here.

Please read this. It goes with the above statement.

Remember - have fun! Keep the boards peaceful and friendly. Thanks for taking the time to read through! We know most of you are sensible but there could be a minority of members who don't quite follow the rules, please bring it to our attention if you see anyone breaking these rules.

People to contact:

Dianna (Admin/ Mod)
Duha (Admin/ Mod)
Msyana (Admin/ Mod)

Nobody else is in Authority here.

Thanks again guys!

The Team
Last edited by anonymous on Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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