Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby cartiergurl01 » Thu May 11, 2006 1:32 am

This is for all the Dylan and Brenda fans on this board, I thought I'd post some quotes and transcripts I found of the duo:

"I loved you more than I ever thought I could love anybody. Maybe that was the problem."- Dylan to Brenda

Brenda's Last Episode:
Brenda: I love you, Dylan. I've never stopped loving you and now I know I never will.
Dylan: I'll applaud you from afar.
Brenda: I want more than your applause. I won't be gone forever, Dylan. Give me something to come back too.

Their first date:
Brenda: You wanna take a walk on the beach or something?
Dylan: Oh yeah, check out the homeless people, that'd be great.
Brenda: Look, Dylan I don't know what happend up there-
Dylan: That's right you don't!
Brenda: If you would let me finish-
Dylan: Excuse me! I have nack for interrupting things-
Brenda: Dylan!
Dylan: I'm real good at interrupting things, because I had just about enough noise for one night okay?!
Brenda: Excuse me, could you please get me a taxi?!
Dylan: Forget the taxi!
Brenda: No, I want a taxi!
Dylan: Oh, come on, damnit!
Brenda: Stop, yelling at me!
Dylan drops and smashes a planter, Brenda runs off and grabs her from behind.
Dylan: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Brenda: Just let me go.
Dylan: Brenda, I'm an idiot please don't go!
Brenda: Your scaring me!
Dylan: I'm sorry.
Brenda: Dylan, what happened?
Dylan: He just get's to me! He always gets to me! I don't know what I'm supposed to oh!
He buries his head into Brenda's neck and cries. She hugs him.
Brenda: It's okay.
He releases his head from Brenda's neck and looks at her, they kiss.

Spring Dance:
Dylan and Brenda are dancing on the dance floor:
Dylan: What do say about fifteen more minutes and we make our exit?
Brenda: Dylan, I'm a little nervous.
Dylan: Bren, don't be, everything's gonna be great.
Brenda: Yeah, well, that's what you keep on saying. It's just that we've been building it up for so long and it's not that I'm not ready because believe me I am.
Dylan: What are you trying to say?
Brenda: That somehow you'll be dissapointed.
Dylan: Bren, we're not gonna be judging each other up there, we're gonna be enjoying each other.
Brenda: Well, I bet you've used that line before.
Dylan: Bren, your not just another notch on my belt. If that's what this was about, I would have had you up there months ago.
Brenda. Oh, really?
Dylan: Yes, really.
Brenda: Then, what is this all about?
Dylan: Don't you know? I love you.
They kiss.

Home Again:
Dylan and Brenda are at the beach and ditch Brandon to talk:
Dylan: Listen, I've been thinking.
Brenda: So, have I. Look, long distance relationships scare me, look what it did to Brandon and his girlfriend from Minnesota.
Dylan: Brenda, that was different. Cheryl, had problems. Absence, can make the heart grow fonder.
Brenda: And what does it do for a roaming eye?
Dylan: You know what I was just thinking?
Brenda: What?
Dylan: How much I love you.
Brenda: Really?
Dylan nods.
Brenda: Me too. You know, I was maybe gonna be in Romeo & Juilet, now I'm sorta living it.
Dylan: Pardon, the sweet sorrow, huh? (I don't know if I heard or spelled correctly)

Their lying in bed, in Dylan's hotel suite:
Dylan: Brenda, we are so good together.
Brenda: What we have to do is talk and what we have to do is break up.
Dylan: So, all this was just a lead in?
Brenda: I wanted to have one last night with you.
Dylan: I thought we agreed at the beach.
Brenda: Well, I thought about it some more.
Dylan: Bren-
Brenda: Dylan, I just have to do this now.
Dylan: Don't do this.
Brenda: Sorry.

At the Peach Pit:
Dylan: Brenda, who saved me from going back to drinking, she saved me from myself.

Beach Blanket Brandon:
Dylan and Brenda are standing outside in front of the Walsh house:
Dylan: Damn, Bren. I don't believe it-I mean, how?
Brenda: Dylan, I thought you said that we did everything right?
Dylan: Yeah, we did.
Brenda: I knew it was a mistake.
Dylan: It was wonderful. Bren, it was great.
Brenda: Dylan, what if I'm pregnant?
Dylan: Then, I'll do everything I can to help and support you. Bren, it's my problem too.
He hugs her.
Brenda: Well, it doesn't feel that way.

"Losing My Religion" Break-up Scene:
Dylan and Brenda are in Dylan's Porsche, kissing. Brenda pulls away:
Dylan: Bren, what's wrong?
Brenda: Everything.
Dylan: It's not the end of the world, your parents will get over it.
Brenda: Yeah, maybe.
Dylan: They shouldn't have made you feel guilty, Bren. That's not fair.
Brenda: Dylan, they didn't. Believe it or not, this has nothing to do with my parents, this is just the icing on the cake.
Dylan: I understand, you had a bad scare. I don't blame you for being afraid.
Brenda: It just made me think about a lot of things, do you know how lucky I feel that I met someone like you?
Dylan: I feel lucky too.
Brenda: When we first started going out, I thought you were so sexy.
Dylan smiles.
Brenda: It was so exciting how we flirted and everybody looked at us. And then I fell in love with you.
Dylan: And I fell in love with you.
Brenda: And I trusted you enough to have sex, when I've said no before.
Dylan: I know, what are you saying?
Brenda: I just feel like we've crossed this imaginary line, it all feels too much right now. Worrying about condoms and birth control pills and seeing a gynecologist and worrying about what my parents are thinking.
Dylan: Come here.
Dylan hugs her.
Dylan: Is it getting too scary?
Brenda: I just don't know what we're about, like things are happening too much, too fast. I think we need to stop seeing each other, at least for a while.
Dylan: Bren, your overreacting. Stop worrying about what your parents think and figure out what you feel.
Brenda: I have, I know what I'm feeling.
Dylan: No, you haven't. Everything you told me so far, leads up to one thing, your afraid. That's not enough of a reasoon.
Brenda: Dylan, I do know what I'm feeling and I need to break up with you.
Dylan: No...no. (He was never ever, this much upset when he broke up with Kelly)
Brenda: Dylan, I'm sorry.

Breakup scene/Goodbye in the hallway:
Brenda: Hi.
Dylan: Hi. I'm feelin' bad Bren.
Brenda: Me too.
Dylan: So, why are you doing it?
Brenda: Dylan, I need some time.
Dylan: You know, I thought if we ever broke up, I would feel this tremendous sense of relief. That I could go back to being myself but something happened, I fell in love with you and I stopped being a loner.
Brenda: Dylan, I think that's wonderful.
Dylan: I think it's terrible. The only person in this world that I have to depend on is me and I always have to remember it.
Brenda: Dylan, that's not true, you can depend on me.
Dylan: Oh, really?
Brenda: Dylan, just because I need some time and a break, doesn't mean that I still don't love you or this isn't painful for me too.
Dylan: Well, maybe that's what they mean, when they say love hurts.
Brenda: Dylan, I got so close it scared me, I don't wan't to be scared with you.
Dylan: I know, if we're meant to be together, time will tell. Can I take you home?
Brenda: No, I think I better walk. Goodbye, Dylan.
A devastated Dylan walks away, turns around one last time and goes.
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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby cartiergurl01 » Thu May 11, 2006 1:33 am


Dylan pokes his head through Brenda's door and knocks on her wall:
Dylan: I just wanted to say goodbye.
Brenda gets up and go hugs him. Dylan pulls away.
Dylan: Oh, does that hurt.
Brenda: No, it's much better now.
Dylan: Listen, um...it was really great how you stuck by me during all this.
Brenda: Yeah, well it was easy, I believed you. (Another reason, why they were meant to be, especially when Dylan does the same thing in season 4 with Roy Randolph)
Dylan: I wish it was that easy for me, I didn't even believe in myself. I was beginning to think there is more of my father inside of me than I had orginally thought.
Brenda: Yeah, well... I think Brandon was maybe beginning to wonder the same thing.
Dylan: Well, it would make sense to him, I mean he's a lot like his father. I like that about your brother. Anyway Brenda, I want you to promise me that while I'm gone, you have a good time okay?
Brenda: Yeah, right. You too.
Dylan: Oh, I'm beginning to think I will. I mean if I can stand here with you guys, me and mom have a good shot at working it out.
Brenda: Oh, very funny.
Dylan: Just one request.
Brenda: What?
Dylan: For god sakes woman, stay out of the sun.
Brenda hits him on the chest and hugs him as Dylan reciprocates the action and kisses her on the cheek.

Summer Storm:

Brenda walks into the hospital and towards Dylan's hospital bed.
Brenda: Dylan?
Dylan wakes up and looks over to her.
Dylan: How did you know?
Brenda: When you were unconcious, the paramedics found Brandon's name and phone number in your car. You scared me.
Dylan: It was awesome.
Brenda: Yeah, really awesome. Look at you, you almost got yourself killed.
Dylan: I'm fine, you look like an angel.
Brenda: I called you last night. Why didn't you call me back?
Dylan: I couldn't talk to anybody.
Brenda: Not even me?
Dylan: I'm sorry, I didn't answer to phone.
Brenda: Dylan, does your dad know.
Dylan: Yeah, his lawyers were here earlier. Somebody had to give them permission to treat me. I need you Bren. (When have you ever heard him tell that Kelly and need her like he needed Brenda?)
Brenda: I know, everything's gonna be alright. Your gonna be out of here in no time. I better go.
Dylan: Don't leave.
Brenda: You need your rest, the doctor's said so. She leans down to kiss him and walks away.
Dylan: Brenda.

Dylan's lying in Brandon's bed. Brenda arrives in the doorway.
Brenda: I am not stubborn.
Dylan: Come on in.
Brenda: No.
Dylan: You avoiding me?
Brenda: Dylan, I made a promise to myself. I need this time.
Dylan: Brenda, how am I gonna get through this without you? You are the only one that I trust. ( Again, when have you ever head him tell that to Kelly?)
Brenda: I'm not ready, I need to think things out and be sure about what I want.
Dylan: Don't make me beg, Bren. I won't.
Dylan brings her face down to kiss him. Brenda gets into the kiss for moment.
Brenda: Dylan, I'm sorry I can't.
Dylan: Can't what?
Brenda: I can't do this.
Brenda walks out of the room
Dylan: Ow.

Brenda walks through kitchen door:
Brenda: Mom, I'm home.
Dylan calls out from the living room.
Dylan: Your mom's shopping!
Brenda walks into the living room.
Brenda: Nobody's here?
Dylan: Just me and Oprah.
Brenda: Do you nee anything? A soda or something?
Dylan: Yeah, that would be great.
Brenda walks into the kitchen and goes to the refrigorator.
Dylan call out from the living room.
Dylan: Your mom says that there were some sandwiches in the refigorator...and apple.
Brenda gets the sandwiches out of the refrigorator, smiles and gets the apple.
Brenda: Okay.
Brenda walks back into the livingroom with the food in hands. She puts the food down on the table.
Brenda: Anything else?
Dylan: Can I get a blanket? He smiles.
She walks over to the table to get the blanket and hands it to him.
Dylan: And my books on that table over there.
Brenda smiles, walks over to the table to get it for him and places it on the other table.
Brenda: Will that be all?
Dylan: Just one more thing...
Brenda: What?
Dylan: You.
Brenda smiles
Brenda: Dylan.
She slides on top of him on the couch.
Dylan: Ow.
Brenda: I'm sorry.
Dylan. No, it's okay. Don't stop.
Brenda: You know, the hardest thing I've ever had to do was try to stay away from you.
They kiss.

Camping Trip:

Brenda walks into the married couple's cabin, to find Dylan sitting on the couch.
Brenda: Mind if I join you?
Dylan: Don't know why'd you want to.
Brenda takes a seat next to him on the couch.
Brenda: Dylan, what's wrong with you? I've never seen you like this.
Dylan: I'm not into psycho drama, it's not my scene.
Brenda: Yeah, how awful to fight on your wedding night.
Dylan: Serves them right, for getting married in the first place.
Brenda: Just because your parent's didn't make it together, doesn't mean that every couple is doomed.
Dylan: Yeah, right. Whatever you say.
Brenda: I know your having a hard time but-
Dylan stands up and walks over to the bed.
Dylan: But, what Bren? What do you know Bren? You got a nice home, a secure family, my mom is a looney toon and my dad is in jail for god's sake.
Brenda: I know, I can't even imagine how that must feel.
Dylan sits down on the bed.
Dylan: That's right, you can't. You can't even imagine it. So who are you to come down on me for my negative attitude?
Brenda walks over to the bed and sits next to him.
Brenda: Dylan, I know you got a bum deal, but can't you look at what you have that is good?
Dylan: Like what?
Brenda: Like your friends, Brandon loves you, all the guys think that you're totally cool. I mean, every girl I know would love to go out with you.
Dylan nods.
Dylan: Every girl, but one.
Brenda: I thought we both decided that it would be better to see other people?
Dylan: Yeah, better for you.
Brenda: Can't you just accept the fact that I care about you? And that I wanna help you? And just stop twisting it around?
Dylan: Oh, yeah I forgot. You care about me, but I'm just too intense.
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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby cartiergurl01 » Thu May 11, 2006 1:34 am

Brenda walks up to Dylan:
Brenda: Dylan, we need to talk.
Dylan: About what?
Brenda: Are you gonna see her again?
Dylan: I don't know, maybe.
Brenda: Do you know, she's going out with Brandon tonight.
Dylan: Bren, why don't you just knit her a scarlet letter?
Brenda: Just forget about it.
Dylan: Glad too. I can't win with you Brenda, what the hell do you want from me? I mean, first of all you cut me loose, you made this big production about how we oughta see other people, so I did and know your throwing it back in my face.
Brenda: Look, I didn't think it would happen that fast.
Dylan: It seemed like forever to me.
Brenda: So tell me Dylan, why are you really going out with her? Because you like her or because?
Dylan: Because what?
Brenda: Because, she'll sleep with you.
Dylan: You can't have it both ways Bren. The fact of the matter is, you gave up any right to ask me questions about my sex life, when you decided you didn't want to be apart of it.

Their in Dylan's Porsche, on top of the hill, overlooking the view:

Brenda: Dylan, can we start over.
Dylan: From where? The beginning? Middle? Where we left off?
Brenda: I don't know. After everything I went though, I got scared. I need time to work things out.
Dylan: So, what did you come up with?
Brenda: That I missed you, that I needed you. What we got, is much more that just physical.
Dylan: Bren, I'm not here because of that. I never was. I'm here because I love you. (Aww...how I love it whenever he says those words to her!)
Brenda: I love you too.
They kiss.
Dylan: Nothing happened with me and Emily. I kissed, but that's it.
Brenda: Dylan, your were right, it was not of my business. Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I put you through.
Dylan: Look, whatever...whatever it took to get you here, it was worth it.
They kiss again. Brenda pulls away.
Brenda: I missed this.
Dylan: Yeah, me too.
They kiss again.

Dylan and Brenda are walking in the parking lot at school:

Brenda: I'm thinking of going blonde agian. You know, that Brooke Shende (not sure if I heard or spelled correctly).
Dylan: Huh?
Brenda: You haven't heard a word I said.
Dylan: I'm sorry. I uh, just have something else on my mind.
Brenda: Yeah, your mother.
Dylan: I don't want to talk about it, Bren.
Brenda: Yeah, well I do. Dylan, I can't stand to see you so miserable.

They get in the car. Their driving down the street and pull up into the Walsh driveway. Dylan see's his mother's car:

Dylan: What is she doing here?
Brenda: What?
Dylan: That's my mother's car.
Brenda: Here?
Dylan: Yeah, she's either looking for me or she's in there reading your mom's palm. Well Bren, I guess you finally get to meet the Mamasita.

Iris and Cindy are in the kitchen rubbing their hands together:

Iris: Rub your hands like this and truly you can feel the earth pulsing.
Cindy: Wow.
Iris: Really. She laughs.
Cindy laughs.

Dylan and Brenda walk in the kitchen:

Brenda: Hi.
Cindy: Hi!
Dylan: Iris, what are you doing here?
Iris: I called looking for you and Cindy invited me over, hope you don't mind?
Brenda: Dylan, aren't you going to introduce us?
Dylan: Yeah, Brenda this is Iris. Iris, Brenda.
Brenda: Hi.
Iris stands up to shake her hand.
Iris: Nice to meet you Brenda. Actually, I know a lot about you, you are strong willed, loving, and intensely loyal, aren't you?
Brenda smiles.
Brenda: Yeah, that's just about right.
Iris: But your astrological chart didn't reveal how pretty you are.
Brenda: Thanks.
Cindy: You know, your mom and I have a lot in common Dylan?
Dylan: Really?
Cindy: Oh yes, we're both children of the sixties.
Iris: Where have all the flower children gone?
Cindy: Gone to power children, yuppies.
Iris: Yeah, life was a lot simpler when you could still bum a ride anywhere in the world.
Brenda: Mom, did you hitchike?
Cindy: Well, across campus.
Brenda: Does dad know?
Dylan: Those were the days, huh Bren? Too bad, that we missed out on all the fun.
Cindy: Listen Brenda, why don't you help me set the table? Dylan and his mom are staying for dinner.
Dylan: We are?

Jim, Cindy, Brandon, Brenda, Iris, and Dylan are all sitting around the Walsh dinner table:

Iris: I can't believe how L.A.'s changed, since I've left. Take Melrsoe, in 1980 it was all low rent auto parts and hardware stores, Pave Paradise and put up a parking lot. Not Hanada, (I don't know if I heard it correctly on not) that is my little piece of heaven.
Cindy: Oh, Maui seems so beautiful.
Iris: Just tell me when your ready. I have a treehouse sitting on top of a pineapple mountain. Right Dylan?
Dylan: It's paradise.
Jim: So, Iris what did you do for work in Hawaii?
Iris: I sold t-shirts on the beach and I, I joined an archeological expidition, but mostly I just mellowed.
Jim: Mellowed?
Iris: It's a great place to drop your inhibitions Jim. You know, grow a beard, swim naked. She laughs.
Jim: How alternative?
Brandon: Oh, c'mon Dad, lets do it. Let's just drop out for awhile.
Cindy: Two weeks in Hawaii doesn't seem too bad to me right now.
Iris: It was a magical place. You should have seen Dylan, when he was there, it even mellowed him out.
Dylan: It didn't mellow me out, I was bored out of my gord.
Iris: Cindy, did I tell you what the physic told me about Dylan when he was little?
Dylan: Please.
Iris: Dylan, it's no big deal.
Dylan: I told you I don't want to hear it, excuse me.
Brenda: Dylan, wait.
Dylan leaves the table and goes outside.
Iris: Sweetheart, chill out.
Dylan: I will outside.
Brenda: Excuse me.

Brenda follows Dylan outside. Dylan's standing outside and turns arounds, when he heard the door open:

Dylan: That woman is driving me up the wall, Bren.
Brenda: Dylan, I'm sure she's not trying to. She's probably just trying to be a mom.
Dylan: Well, I wish she wouldn't try so hard.
Brenda: You remeber a couple of weeks ago, when we went on that camping trip? You were complaining that she didn't care enough. I mean, which is it Dylan?
Dylan: I don't know anymore.
Brenda: Just calm down, I'm sure she means well.
Dylan: I can't, she's here to stay and there's not a damn thing I can do about it.
Brenda hugs him.
Iris: Dylan, it's getting late.
Dylan: Good little boys, need to go to bed early on a school night.
Iris: Thank you, so much for dinner, for everything. I feel like I've found a real friend.
Iris hugs Cindy.
Cindy: Me too.
Jim: Good night.
Iris, walks over to Dylan and Brenda.
Iris, shakes Brenda's hand.
Iris: Well, goodnight Brenda. You are a magical young lady.
Brenda: Nice meeting you.
Dylan: I'll call you later.
Dylan kisses her forehead.
Brenda: Bye.
Dylan walks away.
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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby cartiergurl01 » Thu May 11, 2006 1:35 am

Dylan's house. Dylan's sitting on his couch reading a magazine, Iris is in her bathrobe and has a towel wrapped around her head:

Iris: Dylan, how long have you've been seeing Brenda?
Dylan: Why?
Iris: Well, you may not notice it, but she has an extremely negative aoura.
Dylan looks up from his magazine.
Dylan: What?
Iris: Nothing like Cindy, in fact it's hard to believe their mother and daughter. Cindy is oh, so spiritual and Brenda is well, such a scorp. A scoprio, your a libra, you are totally wrong for each other.
Dylan: I don't want to argue, so I'm only gonna say this one time. Brenda Walsh, my relationship with her, are none of your business. Do you understand me?
Iris: Well, excuse me.
Dylan stands up, grabs his jacket, and goes for the front the door.
Brenda: Where are you going? It's almost midnight.
Dylan: Don't wait up.
Dylan leaves.

Peach Pit:

Dylan and Brenda, are sitting together in a booth.
Brenda: When you skip school three days in a row, I worry about you.
Dylan: I was just blowing off some steam, I'll be back tommorow.
Brenda: Where were you?
Dylan: Around, I'm fine Bren.
Brenda: You don't look fine, Dylan.
Brandon, comes and places the food on their table.
Dylan: I am fine.
Brandon: See, he is fine. What'd they tell you?
Brandon leaves.
Brenda: Dylan, remember there's a trig test first period tommorow.
Dylan: Already?
Brenda: You know, if you want to study together, why don't you come over after dinner tonight? Around eight, okay? And I'll get you through it.
Dylan: Listen, I, I gotta go.
Brenda: Dylan, wait a second.
Dylan: What?
Brenda: Are you sure your okay?
Dylan: Bye, Bren.
Dylan, leaves.

The Walsh House:

Dylan rings the doorbell. Brenda answers the door.
Cindy: Brenda?
Brenda: It's okay, Mom. It's just Dylan. Do you know, what time it is? You were supposed to be here at eight o' clock.
Dylan: I'm sorry, Bren. Forgive me.
Dylan leans over to give Brenda a kiss.

Brenda pushes him away.
Brenda: You've been drinking!
Dylan: I'm a big boy.
Dylan walks into the livingroom.
Brenda: Is this what you meant by blowing off steam?
Dylan: Oh, lighten up Bren! I'm under control.
Brenda: No, your not Dylan. Look at you.
Dylan: So, um, where do your parents keep the liquid?
Brenda: Are you crazy? My parents will here you!
Dylan, walks over to the liquor cabin and opens it.
Dylan: Oh, I'm sorry. What no scotch?
Dylan opens up the bottle of alchohol and pours it into a glass.
Dylan: I just want a shot.
Brenda: Dylan, don't do this.
Dylan: Brenda, I already have one woman in my life who think she's my mother, okay?
Dylan, drinks the alchohol.
Brenda: Damn it, Dylan! If your going to drink, then get the hell out of my house!
Dylan puts the glass down and starts to walk out of the livingroom.
Dylan turns around to face Brenda.
Dylan: I thought I could count on you, thanks for listening.
Dylan walks out of the house.

In school, Kelly, Brenda, and Brandon are all in the hallway by the lockers:

Dylan walks towards them.
Dylan: Monring all.
Kelly: Oh, you've decided to come to school. To what do we owe the honor?
Dylan looks at her, ignores her, and leans forward to kiss Brenda on the cheek.
Dylan: Morning, I'm sorry about last night.
Brenda: Dylan, you've been drinking.
Dylan: Bren, would I come to school drunk?
Brandon: You smell like a brewry pal, I better get you outta here.
Dylan: Man, hey, I'm fine. Besides, I gotta, um, trig test next period.
Kelly: Oh, I'm sure, you'll ace that one.
Dylan: Shut up, Kelly. (Oh, how that is music to my ears!)
Kelly: You know Dylan, there's one thing worse than a drunk and that's a mean drunk.
Dylan: You know, I suddenly have the urge to get the hell outta here. So, why don't you give my regards to trig.
Brenda: Dylan, Brandon you've gotta do something.
Kelly: Look, it's his problem. Just don't get sucked in, alright? (Bitch!)
Brenda: I don't care! Brandon, you can't let him drink!
Brandon: I'll do what I can.
Brandon closes his locker and walks away.

Brenda walks in the Walsh home.

Brenda: Hi.
Cindy: Isn't Brandon with you?
Iris: Where's Dylan?
Brenda: I don't know.
Iris: Oh, god.
Brenda: Why? What's wrong?
Iris: I am calling the police and the hospitals.
Brenda: Will somebody first, please tell me what's going on?
Cindy: Has Dylan been drinking?
Brenda looks at Cindy, then Iris.
Brenda: Yes, but Brandon made sure he didn't drive.
Iris: Well, maybe he should've made sure he didn't drink.
Brenda: Where do you get off criticizing Brandon? You know, he has been there for Dylan, whenever Dylan needed him, which a lot more than I can say for you!
Cindy: Brenda.
Brenda: Sorry, mom but it is true. Why else do you think Dylan's falling apart?
Cindy: Brandon, is with him?
Brenda: Yes.
Cindy: Okay, well if he's with Brandon, then he's fine.

Dylan and Brandon walk into the Walsh home.

Cindy: Where have you been?!
Jim: Brandon, it's a school night, you know what time it is?!
Dylan: Iris, what are you doing here?
Iris: I've been worried sick about you!
Dylan: Oh please, spare me.
Cindy: Brandon!
Brandon: Sorry, we just lost track of the time.
Cindy: You lost track of the time?!
Cindy looks down at her watch.
Cindy: It's almost one o' clock!
Brenda: Where were you?
Brandon: Hangin' out.
Dylan: We were at a pool hall, we got in a game. It's like Bran said, we lost track of time.
Jim: You always get a fat lip, when you play pool?
Dylan: I lost some money.
Iris: Oh my god! How much?
Dylan: 8 hundred dollars.
Iris: Look, I can't handle this.
Dylan: You never could handle anything could you?
Iris: Don't you speak to me like that! I do not deserve to be spoken too in that way!
Dylan: Well, how should I speak to you? With respect? Or to someone who walked out on me, when I was six years old?
Iris turns to everybody.
Iris: I am sorry, but will you excuse us for a little bit. I need to talk to my son.
Cindy: Brenda, come on. Everybody, in the kitchen.

Jim: Were you involved in all this?
Brandon: No, dad. I was just trying to get him to cool of a little bit. I did the best I could.
Cindy: Dylan.
Jim: I think the time for feeling sorry for Dylan is over.
Cindy: I know.
Brenda: How can you say that?
Jim: Brenda, the kind of problems that Dylan has, takes a long time to build up. Now, we've all been there for him, but there's only so much that any of us can do?
Brenda: Your abandoning him. You said that you would stand by him, that you would help him.
Jim: Brenda, he has a mother now?
Brenda: Yeah, that's the problem.
Jim: And he's gonna have to work it out with her. And Brenda, until Dylan shows that he can get a grip on his life, I don't want you seeing him. Do you understand?

Brenda nods.

In the living room, Dylan's sitting down and Iris is standing.

Iris: Dylan, I do not know how to handle you.
Dylan: I'm not your problem.
Iris: Your my responsibility.
Dylan: Really? Since when?
Iris: If your trying to hurt me? Then your succeding.
Dylan: Tell me why? Why all of a sudden should I start listening to you?
Iris: Because I'm your mother and I love you.
Dylan: Oh please, let's not bring love into this!
Dylan stands up and walks out.
Iris: Dylan, Dylan!

Brenda follows him out.
Brenda: Dylan, my fathers says I can't see ou until I get my life together.
Dylan: Yeah, well, he's probably right.
Brenda: I don't want to lose you, Dylan. Not this time.
Dylan: It will be alright, Bren. Promise.
Brenda hugs Dylan.

The Walsh House, Jim and Cindy are standing next to the staircase and the doorbell rings. It's Iris:

Iris: Dylan's in the car, we're on our way to the airport and I just wanted to say thanks, to all of you.
Iris hugs Cindy.
Cindy: Good luck, Iris.
Iris: Take care of my son.
Cindy: We will.
Brenda: Iris, I'm sorry about what I said to you.
Iris: I understand.
Brenda: I know it must take a lot of courage to do what your doing.
Iris: He's not an easy guy to love is he?
Brenda: No, but we sure do, don't we?
Iris: Yes, we do.

Not to much of a transcript but a cute, little part in a certain episode:
Dylan and Brenda are cooking in the kitchen of the Walsh house:

Brenda: You know, I've never seen Steve so...
Dylan: Happy.
Brenda: Yeah.
Dylan: Yeah.
Brenda: I mean ever since we've known him he's been either hung up on Kelly (ewww..., i hate that bitch with anyone, hell i just hate her alone), and know I see how attentive he is when he really cares about a girl, he's so sweet and protective.
Dylan: Yeah, well...um, just don't get any idea's okay? Cause' your taken.

They kiss.
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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby geissel » Fri May 12, 2006 4:28 am

Thank you!!!!!!!!1

Oh the memories!!!!
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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby Sarah-Lucy » Mon May 15, 2006 9:55 pm

wow you sure have been busy i can remember some of the episodes but not the transcripts. many thanks for the memories. Image
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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby stalemate » Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:18 pm

You are by far my most favourite on this board!! Good to know somebody else adores Brenda and Dylan together as much as I do....They made the whole show...
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Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby ching343 » Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:28 am

wow!! u must been busy writing all of them down!! thanks........all the memories with dylan and brenda! they are my most time favorite couple in bvly 90210!!

Dylan and Brenda Quote and Transcript Thread

Postby dylandog90210 » Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:17 am

I love them so much!
Thank you for the dialogues
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