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Postby Kristin Marie » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:39 pm

Meanwhile back at the Manor, After Phoebe put Brianna to bed, She proceeds to tell her sister that her and Cole are moving out, which baffled Prue. “ You can’t move, Phoebe.” Prue told her as she folded the sheets. “ Why not, Prue?” Phoebe was shocked by her sister’s reaction. “ You don’t have the money. Your credit sucks.” “ No it doesn’t.” Phoebe proved her sister wrong. Prue turns to her sister.
“ You can not move.” Prue stood firm with her baby sister. “ Cole and I want a place of our own.” Phoebe explained to her. “ You did, Phoebe. When Cole was bad.” Prue pointed it out, in case her sister had forgotten that part and Phoebe knew what Prue was doing. When ever Piper or Prue mention when Cole was “ Bad” Phoebe gets upset. “ Prue, don’t you EVER get tired of saying the same thing OVER and OVER again?” “ Piper and I..” Prue stopped as Phoebe interrupted her. “ Can you and Piper JUST be happy for me? I really DO NOT care what the both of you think of my husband!” “ Phoebe! I don’t want to fight with you.” Prue walks over to the stove and turn on the tea kettle and then took out the mug and place a tea bag inside. “ Then what, Prue?” Phoebe asked with her arms folded. “ And don’t say, “ You better, Phoebe..He’s bad!” That’s NOT going to work, Sis.” Phoebe told her. “ Fine! If you don’t want to deal with the fact that your husba…” Prue stop as Phoebe, yet again, interrupted her. “ SHUT UP! I know your not a fan of my husband..I don’t care!” Phoebe screamed at her sister. When the tea was done, Prue poured it in her mug and then turned to her baby sister. “ YOU SHOULD!” Prue hollered. “ AND WHY!” Phoebe hollered back.“ I thought you said you forgave him? That you and Piper DID!” “ I DID, PHOEBE! HE CAN NOT BE TRUSTED and YOU KNOW THAT!” Prue felt a migraine coming on. She hated fighting with her sister. “ You’re missing the point, SIS.” Prue took her mug and went into the sun room where Phoebe followed her. Prue took a deep breath and then continued. “ All I’m saying is that you do not have the money to move.” “ Why the hell can’t you EVER be happy for me?” Phoebe asked. All she ever wanted was her big sister’s approval and to tell her that’s she’s happy for her and Prue knows that Phoebe wants her approval and she IS happy for Phoebe..but not when she’s married to a half demon, who had killed them on several occasions and not to mention putting, Melinda, Megan and Elizabeth in danger. “ Phoebe, Sweetie..I am happy. I really am. I’m proud of you. Your working as a columnist, making good money..That’s all I ever wanted from you, sis and nothing more.” Prue told her and she meant it.“ Thank you, Sis. Means a lot to me.” Phoebe smiled at her.“ Now why do you want to move?” Prue was getting serious again. “ This place is getting way to crowded. 6 adults and 3 childrens.” Phoebe told her. “ Who decided that..you or Cole?” Prue asked. “ PRUE!” Phoebe stood up. She couldn’t believe they were back to this again. “ The both of us did, okay!” Phoebe added as Prue got up. “ Our sister and her husband have been wanting to move out of the manor for 5 years..They been planning and thinking. You and Cole, on the other hand..what, it took a month and then you wanted to leave.” Prue told her. “ So your point being?” “ My point is…Phoebe, you and Cole haven’t thought this through.” Prue told her. “ Thought this through? Well, I did AND my husband and I are moving out!” “ Your making a big mistake, Phoebe.” She told her and left. “ Well, then that’s mine to correct!” Phoebe calls out after her.

When Piper and Leo came back, they overheard her sisters talking. Piper ran up to the attic and confronted her baby sister. “ WHAT!” Piper shoved her, which Phoebe had no clue what just happened. “ What’s your deal, Piper!?” Phoebe asked. “ YOU KNOW! How could YOU!” Piper blasted her, she didn’t care if she woke up the house. “ Okay, what the hell are you YELLING about!” “ Your so stupid!” “ HEY! Watch it!” Phoebe shoved her. “ When did this come about!? I heard you and Prue talking. OVER MY DEAD BODY are you EVER moving!” Piper screamed as Leo, Cole, Andy and Prue ran up to the attic to witness the fireworks. “ When did this get decided?” Piper asked, but her sister wasn’t saying anything. Piper turns to Prue. “ When Prue?” Piper waited.
“ A few days ago.” Prue told her as Piper turned to Phoebe.
“ I see! Well, that’s such damn peachy!” “ God, first Prue over there.” Phoebe points to Prue and then turns to Piper.
“ Now you. What the big deal?” “ You can’t move, Phoebe. You don’t have the money!” Prue told her. “ We can afford to move, Prue..” Cole told her as Piper and Prue gave him the look. “ I’d shut up if I were you, Cole.” Andy and Leo told him. “ WHY DON’T YOU!” Piper shouted. “ HEY, that’s my husband, Piper. Be nice.” Phoebe blasted her sister.
“ Cole, please leave…This is between my sisters and I.” Prue told him. “ Not unless Phoebe wants me too.” “ What are you, Cole. Her bodyguard?” Piper snickered. “ Fine.” Cole walk downstairs with Leo and Andy.

“ Leo and I have been wanting to move for 5 years and then all of the sudden you want to move!” Piper threw up her hands and paced around. “ So you think I’m mimicking you, Piper? I’m not.” Phoebe told her. “ Why is moving such a big deal? You and Prue did NOT make such big deals when you two got pregnant the same time.” “ That’s different, Phoebe and you know it! That’s a dumb comparison!” Prue told her.“ Prue?” Phoebe turns to her and snickered. “ You don’t have the…” Piper was about to start. “ STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU! Is that all you 2 can say…” You don’t have the money.” Well, well.” Phoebe turns to Piper. “ Money is way of life.” Piper and Prue told her. “ I KNOW THAT!” Phoebe told them and look at Piper. “ Leo doesn’t have a job..HELL…
He’s a NO ONE!” Phoebe told her as Piper grew angry, once again. “ HEY! MY HUSBAND IS DOING BETTER THAN YOURS! AT LEAST MINE CAN KEEP A JOB!” Piper hollered. “ THAT”S IT!” Phoebe storms to her as Prue ran in the middle and prevented Phoebe from going after Piper. “ And let’s NOT forget that he’s a half demon that KILLS!” Piper added.“ He put our daughters in danger.” Prue told Phoebe. “ That’s NOT the reason why he can’t keep a job!” Phoebe told Piper. “ Got a better explanation, Phoebe?” Prue asked. “ Go to hell!” Phoebe storms off. “ NO, Cole SHOULD!” Piper calls out after her. “ Done, Piper?” Prue asked as Piper calmed down. “ Yes.” “Was that necessary, Piper. A screaming match with her?” Prue asked. “ Prue, She hasn’t even thought this through…I mean..” Piper sat on the couch with Prue besides her. “ everything that Leo and I want, she wants..and Cole is just..she got pregnant before I did.” “ Piper, that was a demon baby…Cole wasn’t himself and I’m not siding Cole on this.” Prue told her. “ I know. At least she doesn’t know about the house that Leo and I want.” Piper told her sister. “ Me too.” Prue agreed. Little do they both know..Cole bought the house!
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby Kristin Marie » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:41 pm

Cole was worried about Phoebe, when she walked into the bedroom. “ I’m GLAD we are moving!” Phoebe flopped on the bed. “ We’ll be gone, honey. The house by the Golden Gate Bridge is beautiful.” He told her. “ I can’t wait.” She kissed him. Little do they both know that Leo and Piper were planning on buying that house..another fight is about to take place.

The next morning, Piper and Phoebe refused to even look at each other. Phoebe took Brianna to day care and Piper volunteered to take the girls to school before heading to the club. The girls said bye to Andy and Prue and left the Manor. It would be the last time ANY of them would see Elizabeth and Megan.

At the end of the day, Prue decided to go with Andy to pick up the girls after school. Andy got out early…Being a captain is great, cause he can get out of work early and spend time with his family.

Meanwhile, Susan and her accomplice sat in the car, behind the gate of the school, waiting for there time. “ Let’s get them!” The Accomplice told her. “ Patience. We have to snatch them at the right time. I think you dressing up like Andy will do the trick.” She told him. “ Why me?” He asked her. “ For someone as dumb as you, you asked dumbass questions! Andy picks them up today..he has half day at 3, and Prudence is busy at work.” She explained it. “ Okay.” He answered. “ And don’t worry about the girls resisting you..becareful.” She warned him. “ GO!” She ordered the Accomplice; he got out of the car and went after the twins.

“ I’m glad I got an A on my spelling test.” Liz told her sister as they walked the hallway. “ Me too.” Meg told her as Liz was looking at a man who was approaching them. Liz put her hand on her sister’s arm. “ What is it, Liz?” Meg asked as her sister pointed to the man. “ That doesn’t look like daddy, Meg.” “ No, it doesn’t.” Meg told her. “ Hey! Let’s go..Get movin’.” Accomplice told them. “ Daddy normally hugs us, Liz.” Meg whispered to her sister.
“ I know.” Liz whispered back. “ You’re NOT daddy!” Liz told him. “ Daddy’s nice and your mean!” Meg protested.
“ Watch it, SmartAss..I’ll give you a wippin’!” The man hollered as the girls stepped back in horror. “ Daddy..he doesn’t talk like that!” Meg told him. “ We’re NOT allowed to talk to strangers.” Liz told him. “ Liz?” Meg grabbed her arm. “ I’m scared.” Meg added. “ Your NOT daddy! Leave us ALONE!” Liz told him as she and Meg ran into their classroom.

Susan called on his cell. “ Get the rugrats?” Susan asked.
“ No, there resisting me!” He told her. “Oh, Prudence probably got them trained well.” Susan told him. “ There’s one way to do this: Take your wig off, throw it out and make sure no one spots it. Snatch them from the be hind. The girls father will be there shortly, so HURRY!” Susan warned him and they hung up.

The Accomplice waited till the right moment to snatch them. When the teacher was out of the classroom, he walked in and snatched the girls. He went out of the back door…no one had seen what happened. When he got into the car, He and Susan saw Prue and Andy making there way into the building. She smiled as she pulled away.
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby Kristin Marie » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:42 pm

Mrs. Taylor Clayton approached the Trudeau’s. “ Hey, There in the classroom.” She told them as they made there way into the classroom. “ Megan and Elizabeth both got A’s on there spelling test.” Taylor told them and the Trudeau’s were happy to hear that. “ Sweeties, Mommy and Daddy..” Taylor stopped short. “ Elizabeth? Megan?” She then noticed her windows were wide open. “ They couldn’t have opened that window.” Prue began to panic. “ Maybe they wondered into the hall.” Andy suggested. “ ELIZABETH! MEGAN!” Prue ran out into the hallway, calling out their names and Andy joined in. “ Let’s check the other rooms.” Taylor suggested. “ Laura?” Taylor ran up to her. “ Have you seen the Trudeau’s girls?” “ No, Taylor. I haven’t seen them..Last time I did, was early this morning.” Laura told her and Taylor thanked her. “ They never wondered off.” Andy told Prue as Taylor approached them and noticed another teacher and she ran to him. “ Sean, have you see the Trudeau’s girls?” “ No, Taylor, I haven’t.” Sean told her. “ Oh great!” Prue threw up her hands. “ Someone has GOT to see them. LIZ! MEG! WHERE ARE YOU!” Andy hollered to them. He began to panic as he was reassuring his wife. Taylor went from class room to classroom, but no luck.

Finally another teacher approached them. “ Taylor, are you looking for Elizabeth and Megan?” “ Yes, MaryLynn. Have you seen them?” “ Yes.” MaryLynn told them. “ Oh, thank god!” Both Andy and Prue said at the same time. “ I saw them with someone.” MaryLynn announced. “ Maybe one of your sister’s?” Andy asked. “ No, Andy. Phoebe and Piper knows we were picking them up today.” “ Just see if they..” Taylor stopped as Marylynn remembered something. “ This person sounded like a man.” MaryLynn told them. “ Did you recognized him?” Andy asked. “ No, Captain.” Marylynn told him. “ I can’t believe this!” Tears were pouring down Prue’s face. “ We’ll find them, honey.” Andy hugged his wife…he had to be strong for her. “ I saw Meg and Liz running into the classroom, yours.” Marylynn told Taylor.
“ They are gone. What about the man?” Taylor asked.
“ He ran out of the building.” Marylynn

“ They got to be here somewhere.” Prue was pacing. Her hands were shaking..she was a wreck. Where has her daughters gone too. “ Well they are not here.” Andy pointed out. “ My babies are gone, Andy.” Prue bawled as she sobbed in her husband’s nicely clean shirt. “ I’ll call Daryl.” Andy let Prue go and went to make a call. “ I got to call my sisters and tell them.” She first called Phoebe and gave her the short version. “ I’ll call Cole and we’ll be right down, honey. I’ll have dad watch Brianna for me.” Phoebe told her. Then Prue called Piper and sobbed to her. “ They are gone, Piper.” Prue taking a kleenex from her pocket and dabbed her nose with it.“ They got to be here some where, Sweetie. Leo and I will be right there. Melinda is with dad.” Piper told her and they both hung up.

Few minutes later, Daryl showed up and Andy filled him in. “ Any idea of who might have taken Liz and Meg?” Daryl was growing concern over the girls. He and his wife, Sheryl have known the twins since babies..both Trudeau’s and Morris’s are very close.
“ We really don’t have that much to go on, Andy.” Daryl added. “ A guy was here talking to my daughters.” Andy explained to him. “ The teacher didn’t see the man up front. No names or license plate number.” Daryl told him. “ Then we got to shut the school down.” Andy told him and Daryl knew his friend was a wreck.

Phoebe and Piper both arrived at the same time. They still avoided each other. “ PRUE!” They ran up to their sister and embraced her. “ Who would have taken them, Prue?” Piper was throwing out idea’s to her. “ Maybe I can get a premonition. Do they still have their bags here, Prue?” Phoebe asked and Prue shook her head. They headed back into the classroom where Phoebe grabbed one of the bag to get one, but nothing came to her.“ Nothing.” Phoebe added and Piper snorted. “ Surprise. Surprise!” Piper snorted. “ SHUT UP!” Phoebe shouted. “ Trader!” Piper fought back. “ STOP IT. THE BOTH OF YOU! My daughters are missing and you two pick this moment to bicker! HELP ME!” Prue hollered at her sisters…she didn’t mean to yell, but she was getting impatience, she wanted her daughters back home with her. Both of her sisters stopped to help Prue. “ Any clue?” Piper asked. “ Yes, one. A teacher saw a man talking to Meg and Liz.” Prue told them. “ Why would the girls be talking to strangers?” Phoebe asked. “ Don’t know. I told them time and time again NOT to talk to strangers.” Prue told them. “ What did he look like?” Piper asked. “ Unless..a camera?” Phoebe pointed out. “ It’s not a mall, Phoebs.” Piper told turns to her when Prue walked off to talk to another officer.“ Your NOT helping, Piper!” Phoebe hollered. “ I AM!” Piper shot back as Leo walks up and demanded to know why his wife and sister in law was bickering. “ Your nieces are missing, so please stop it.” He begged them. “ Stay out of my way, Phoebe and I’ll stay out of yours.” Piper told her. “ Gladly!” Phoebe shouted back. “ TRADER!” Piper hollered and storms off to Prue. Leo turns to Phoebe. “ Phoebe, what’s your problem?”Leo asked. “ What, mine? Your wife started it.” Phoebe told him. “ Your sister want this more than you.” Leo told her. “ What?” Phoebe asked, not understanding what he was telling her. “ The house….the one by the bridge…that’s ours.” He told her. “ Yours?” Phoebe stood in shock. “ We bought it and your husband sabotaged it.” Leo told her and then walked off
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Kristin Marie
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Postby Kristin Marie » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:43 pm

Piper hugged Prue. “ Where are they, Piper.” Prue told her. “ Who would have taken them, Prue?” Piper wondered. “ Who knows, Sis.” Prue told her as Andy walked up to them. “ Some one that looks like me.” Andy announced. “ What?” Piper looked stunned.“ I don’t get it, Andy.” Prue asked. “ According to the other source..Someone dressed up like me with a matching wig.” Andy explained to his wife and sister in law. “ Some one impersonating you?” Piper asked. “ Seems that way, Piper. I told them I wasn’t here.” “ Did they buy it?” They asked him. “ Yes.” He told them as Taylor walked up to them.“ We got more information. There was 2 people in the car. A man and a woman, waiting in the car outside of the building.” Taylor told them. “ License Plate?” Andy asked.“ No..it was a rent a car.” Taylor continued. “ Could you trace the car of who bought it, Taylor?” “ Yes, Piper, we can.” Taylor honestly told her. “ Why would they want with our girls, Andy?” Prue turns to her husband.
“ I don’t know, Prue.” Andy told her.“ Who are these people?” Piper asked. “ I need to talk to Daryl again.” Andy walked off to find him.

“ We need to do a background check on these couple that took Meg and Liz.” Andy told him. “ Done, Partner.” Daryl told him. “ We got names. Sarah and Buck Carlson.” Daryl added. “ Prue and I don’t know ANYONE by that name.” Andy told him. “ I know..I’m checking everything on these 2 people. We have the number to the license plate and photo’s.” Daryl told them, he can tell Andy was worried. Daryl loved those girls like they were his. He would NOT let ANYTHING happen to Elizabeth and Megan. “ Why would ANYONE want to put my daughters in danger, Daryl?” “ I don’t know, Andy. You and Prue are well loved by the community. They love the girls.” He told her. “ This was planned, I know.” Andy told him. “ How?” Daryl asked. “ Why today? Why not on the days I don’t pick up Meg and Liz?” Andy asked. “ You’re getting somewhere. Don’t worry, we will know more when they come available.

2 hours later, they all went back home to the Manor. Victor called and Piper told him the news. He wanted to stop by the house, but Piper told him that it would be better for Prue and Andy if he stayed home. “ Piper, call me as soon as you hear something.” Victor told her. “ I will Daddy. Please don’t tell Melinda anything yet. I want to be the one to tell her that her cousins are gone.” Piper told him. “ What about Brianna?” Victor asked. “ I don’t think Brianna is at the age where she will understand..But I think Phoebe is going to try to get her to understand. Leo and I will help Phoebe tell Brianna.” Piper told her. “ That’s good.” He told her. “ I’ll keep you posted, Daddy.” Piper told him and then hung up.

Some where in Nevada, in an abandoned house, Megan and Elizabeth are locked inside a bedroom…Its been almost hours since leaving the school. “ Where are we, Lizzie?” Meg sat on the bed. “ I don’t know, Meg. This place is spooky.” Liz told her. “ I wonder who they are.” Meg wondered as Liz sat on the bed besides Meg. “ Do you think Mommy and Daddy know them?” Liz asked. “ Who knows? I’m scared, Lizzie.” “ Don’t be, Meg. Everything’s going to be alright.” Liz embraced her sister as Susan walked in and shoved Liz and Meg off the bed. “ SHUT UP YOU LITTLE RUGRATS!” Susan shouted at them. “ We want to go home.” Liz demanded. “ You are home.” Susan told her.“ No, we’re not!” Meg told her and Susan spit in her face.” They are worried about us.”

Meg asked, shivering. “ Don’t sweat it, Meggie..Your mother is a tramp!” Susan laughed. “ Stop it!” Liz warned her. “ Oh, what’s the matter, Lizzie..You don’t like when we talk bad about your mommy.” “ My NAME IS ELIZABETH!” Liz shouted. “ Yeah and my name IS MEGAN!” Meg shouted. “ I don’t care what your names are, morons!” Susan told them.” Tough shit!” She added, which shocked the girls. “ You cursed!” They told her. “ And your ugly like your mommy.” Susan laughed and it made the girls cried.“Oh, wimpies..crying for your mommy..well, she aint here and oh, she doesn’t love you and she NEVER DID!” Susan laughed and left the room. She locked the door and the girls continued to cry as they held on to each other.

1 month later,( July) the girls were still gone…The girls picture was on every new station across California…Andy and Daryl worked day and all through the night, Prue and her sisters placed posters of the girls through out the town. Victor stopped by the Manor to help out. Melinda was starting to ask where Liz and Meg were, even her friends at school, Piper and Leo tried to console their daughter..putting faith that her cousins will be found and bought home. “ I want Megan and Elizabeth to come home, Mom?” Melinda told her. “ I know. Me too.” Piper told her. Phoebe tried hard to explain to her little girl that her big cousins are gone. “ Where they go, Mommy?” Brianna asked. “ Honey, Meg and Liz…well, they are…bad people took them…and well..” Phoebe was having a hard time telling her daughters where the twins were. “ Are they coming home, Mommy?” Brianna asked. “ Yes, Bri..Of course they are. I don’t know when. But they will.” Phoebe smiled at her. “ Do you think they are scared?” Brianna asked, her mother didn’t mind asking the questions. She knew Brianna was at the age of trying to piece together informations. “ I’m not quite sure. I’m thinking they are. But they have each other.” Phoebe told her as she hugged her daughter.

The Elder spoke with Leo. “ I wish there was more I can do, Son.” He told him. “ Thanks.” “ Keep us posted.” He told Leo. “ I will.” Leo told him and left. Leo found Piper at the club, paying the bills. Piper saw him and embraced him.“ Any news?” Piper asked. “ Not good, Honey.” Leo told her as he took her hand and they sat on the stage. “ What is it, honey?” Piper asked and Leo told her about Susan being released from jail. “ Why would they released her, Leo? She did bad things.” Piper told her. “ I know.” He told her. “ She destroyed my sister’s marriage, destroyed her life..” “ I know, Piper. She won’t stop..Til she has Andy, that’s for sure.” He told her. “ So by hurting my sister in the WORST possible way, she kidnapped my nieces?” Piper couldn’t believe it. “ Seems so.” Leo told her. “ This is great! When is she going to get a hint and leave my sister and her family alone and that Andy is married?” Piper asked, shaking her head. “ What I don’t get, Piper, is why they let her out? I thought she’d be there for a long time?” Leo wondered and Piper shrugged. “ Maybe she bribed someone..she’s good at that.” “ Wouldn’t be the first time.” Leo told her and she agreed.

Meanwhile at Phoebe’s work, she thought she have a talk with Cole. Cole took aback when Phoebe accused her of sabotaging her sister’s right to have the house. “ Why would I do that, Phoebe?” Cole asked. “ I don’t know, Cole. But you seem in a hurry to move out.” She told him. “ I thought you wanted to move out.” Cole told her. “ I did. But NOT to hurt my sister.” She told him. “ So your gonna punish yourself by not moving cause your sister want to move?” He asked. “ No, but…I love my sister and She’s been wanting this for a long time..Cole, face it..we’ve been married 3 years… we don’t have much money, you don’t have a job..” “ I can’t believe this!” Cole threw up his hands. “ It’s the truth!” She told him. “ And what’s that, Phoebe?” He turns to her. “ Say it, Phoebe. SAY IT! I’m A DEMON!” “ Lower your voice, Turner!” She told him. “ I’m NOT saying that!” She shouted to him. “ YES YOU ARE! You can’t say it, but I know what your thinking.” He walks to the door and turns to her. “ You and your DAMN SISTERS! THEY GOT YOU INTO THIS!” Cole shouted. “ Just admit that YOU DID IT!” She told him and he left. Phoebe sat in her chair. She picked up the phone and called Piper. She needed to talk to her sister and apologize.
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Kristin Marie
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Postby Kristin Marie » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:45 pm

At Prue’s work, she can’t concentrate on her work. Her boss, Lindsay walks in her office. “ Prue?” Lindsay walks up to Prue’s desk. She has been worried about Prue ever since hearing the news of the girl’s abduction. “ Hey.” Prue looked up. “ Take a break, Prue.” Lindsay told her. “ I can’t, Lin. I have to keep busy. It’s the only way I can….I need to keep my mind off of everything.” “ Is Piper and Phoebe still bickering?” Lindsay asked. Lindsay and the Halliwell’s have been close for a long time. She loves having Meg and Liz at the office, She knows about them being witches..she’s fine with it. “ As long as you don’t use magic on me.” She laughed as she said that. And she always said, “ Those girls are always well behaved when they come here.” Prue got up and put stuff in the cabinet. “ Yes, they are.” Prue turns to her. “ Piper really wanted that house and Phoebe just doesn’t understand how it’s important to her.” Prue added. “ Why would Cole sabotage it?” Lindsay asked. “ I don’t know. Who knows? I just want them to stop fighting so much. I can’t stop Phoebe from loving Cole or be married to him..it’s her life. I can’t protect my sisters anymore. They are adults and make there own decision. I just don’t want Phoebe destroying her life.” Prue told her. “ Like you said, Prue. It’s her life and it’s her mistake to correct.” Lindsay told her. Prue walks back to her desk and sat down.
“ I just want to find Liz and Meg.” Prue told her as they continued to talk.

Piper picked up Melinda at school, she was going for soccer try out. Piper was concern that a girl her age would get hurt, but Leo insisted that their daughter will be fine, so she caved in and said yes. “ Mommy, why would anyone want to take Liz and Meg?” Melinda was sitting in the passenger seat as they waited for the light to turn green. “ I don’t know, Sweetie. I’m not sure why people do those type of things.” Piper told her as the light turned green and she continued to drive. “ Do you think they are okay?” Melinda asked as Piper turned to her, she took her hand and strokes her daughter’s face. She knew that Melinda was worried sick like the rest of the family. “ I’m sure they are okay, Sweetie.” Piper told her as they parked the car and then they walked on to the field.

Darryl walked into Andy’s office and closed the door. He had something to tell Andy, but didn’t know how his partner was going to react to the news. Darryl waited till he got off the phone and told him. “ WHAT!” Andy shouted as he stood up. “ Yes, Andy. They are in Nevada.” Darryl told him as Andy remained quiet. He didn’t know what to say. “ They left Nevada!?” Andy repeated and Darryl shook his head. “ They left about 3 hours ago. We will find them.” He told Andy. “ Well, I hope so, Darryl. It’s been 2 months. I like to know who’s Buck and Sarah are.” Andy told him. “ I’m working on it. I still don’t get why hurt 2 innocent little girls.” Darryl just couldn’t understand it. “ I hope they aren’t hurt.” Andy told him as another officer walks in. “ Captain, you may want to look at this. It’s about your daughters.” He told him, handing Andy the file. Darryl thanked the officer and told him to leave to give Andy some time. “ Let me know if you…” Darryl stopped as Andy interrupted him. “ Damn them!” Andy flung the files on to the ground and walked to the wall and pounded it. “ Hey, Partner. What’s wrong?” Darryl asked picking up the file that was on the ground. He glanced at it. “ Oh, my god! It can’t be!” Darryl added. “ Yes, it can be!” Andy turns to him. He was full of anger.
“ Susan is in jail!” Darryl pointed it out. “ I KNOW! Why is she out and what the hell is she doing with my daughters?” Andy demanded to know. “ You have to tell Prue about this.” Darryl told him. “ I know. She’s going to be devastated.” Andy paced around. He just couldn’t understand why Susan was released from prison. After everything she had done to him and Prue…They thought they were free of her, when she was in jail for years. Andy wondered how long Susan was out of jail.
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby Kristin Marie » Sat Jun 18, 2005 10:48 pm

I posted a lot. So you all have lots to read. Its good. I'm ended my Phoebe and Piper fued and just concentrate on Andy, Prue, Elizabeth and Megan.

Love and Hugs,

Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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Postby Linz » Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:59 pm

Very good sis! man, Susuan is crazy! Add more soon, love it!

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Postby lover » Sun Jun 19, 2005 12:50 am

i love it!its really good!god,Phoebe is soooo anoying!lol
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Postby shannenchicafan » Sun Jun 19, 2005 1:47 am

sis I printing this out as I am typing this.

Thank You and Love YA,
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Postby sarahconnor » Sun Jun 19, 2005 10:53 am

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