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On A Rainy Day

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On A Rainy Day

Postby Kristin Marie » Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:06 pm

This is the new Prue and Andy Fan Fiction.

Note to all Rose Mc Gowan Fans, sorry to say but Paige isn't in this story.......You know how Victor is the deadbeat dad on Charmed and how the sisters were angry with him? Well, in this story its not. The sisters have a close relationship with Victor, its Penny that REALLY hates him. Patty is in this story as well as Cole and Leo. Melinda, Elizabeth, Megan and Brianna are the young Charmed ones. Jeff and Megan are Andy's parents.....And Prue's friend from High School, Elizabeth.

This is about Prue and Andy telling their 5 years old daughters the story of how they met and fell in love.

I am working on it and will post the first part when I feel it should be ready to be viewed.

Love and Hugs

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On A Rainy Day

Postby Linz » Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:14 pm

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On A Rainy Day

Postby Kristin Marie » Thu Aug 12, 2004 10:41 pm

Okay, the wait is OVER!


Andy and Prue have been married for 6 years and they are celebrating there 6th wedding anniversary along with her sister, Piper and Leo. They are too celebrating there 6th wedding anniversary.

Elizabeth and Megan Trudeau are 5 years old and are identical. Megan is the oldest of 2 minutes and then Elizabeth is the youngest of 2 minutes. They look more like Prue than Andy. Megan doesn’t have a mold on by her nose, only Elizabeth does. As they are getting older, they like to be called by there nicknames, “Meg” and “Liz”.

It’s a rainy day in San Francisco as Andy and Cole are stuck at the office, Leo had things he needed tended too, Prue was in the basement developing pictures, Piper was in the kitchen cooking as Phoebe was chasing her 3 year old daughter, Brianna

“Chase me, chase me!” 5 year old, Melinda ran around the couch with her cousins following her. “Your it, Lizzie!” 5 year old Megan told her twin sister, Elizabeth. “Girls, stop it!” Phoebe hollered at her nieces.
“Its quiet time, girls.” “No, Aunt Phoebe!” The girls told her and Phoebe sighed. “How about playing cards?” “No, boring.” Elizabeth told her. “Okay, how about a nap?” “No, naps, Aunt Phoebe.” Megan told her. “I want to play some more, Aunt Phoebe.” Melinda begged.
“Girls, no….” “Girls, want some Jell-O?” Piper called from the kitchen.
“YES!” The girls ran into the kitchen as Piper set the Jell-O on the table for them.
“Thank god!” Phoebe flopped on the chair with her daughter on her lap. “Tired, Auntie Phoebe?” Piper did baby talk to her youngest sister. “No, Auntie, Piper.” Phoebe mimicked back. “Listen I need help for tomorrow, Phoebe. You need to be free.” Piper told her and Phoebe looked confused. “What’s tom……OH! OH!” Phoebe covered her mouth in shock. “Your anniversary.” Phoebe added. “And Prue and Andy.” Piper told her. “How long have Daddy and Mommy been married?” Megan asks. “6 Years.” Phoebe told her. “You, Aunt Piper?” Elizabeth asked. “Same.” “You two were born on a rainy day.” Piper and Phoebe told them. “They were? Cool.” Melinda said in amazement. “Yes, in fact there relationship revolves around rainy days.” Piper explains to her nieces and daughter. “How ironic! Mine was gloomy days……” Phoebe announced. “How did they meet?” The twins asked. “Long story.” Phoebe told them. “Tell us, Aunt Phoebe.” They begged. “Oh, honey…” Piper was cut short when Phoebe announced that they were old enough to know the story. “Please, Aunt Piper!” Elizabeth and Megan wanted to know and even Melinda wanted to know the story, “Please, Mommy. Please?” She was interested in how her Aunt Prue and Uncle Andy met. “They started dating then were in the 9th grade, they were 15 years old. We grew up together.” Phoebe told them. “Did Uncle Andy know we were witches, Mommy?” Melinda asked her mother. “No, he had no clue…..” “Oh, please, Piper! He knew.” “How, Phoebe?” Piper stared at her sister. “I...I...”
“He didn’t know! Not until 7 years ago!” “Can we continue?” Phoebe told her sister. “Your problem, Sis… You hate to be wrong….Anyway, girls, your parents fought.” Piper told them. “Why, Aunt Piper?” Meg asks. “Well, Meg, something kept them a part….No matter what, something got in the middle of there relationship.” “Who, Mommy?”
“Your great grandmother.” Phoebe told her. “Why?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because she felt that…….your father was keeping her from her responsibilities, Liz.” Phoebe told her youngest niece. “They will fight, break up and get back together again.” Piper told her. “Did they always love each other?” Both Liz and Meg asked. “Always…..” Phoebe stop as Prue walked in. “What’s going on?” Prue stood in the middle of the kitchen. “Aunt Piper and Phoebe were telling us a story of how you and daddy met.” Meg told her. “Can you tell us, Mommy?” Liz asks her mother. “Girls, time for bed…..go get ready….and make you brush your teeth.” The girls got up and went to the stair. “I’ll be up in a sec.” Prue added. “You too, Melinda. “ Piper told her and off she went. “Liz and Meg are way too young to hear this story.” Prue told her sisters. “No, Prue…..they want to know.” Phoebe told her oldest sister.
“I’m planning on telling Melinda about how Leo and I met.” Piper told her. “Not yet, Piper...” “Why not…Your story is so romantic.” Piper told her. “It’s a classical love story.” Phoebe added.

Prue went upstairs when her cell phone rang and she answered it. It was 8:25pm and it was still pouring outside and her husband was still stuck in the office. “Hello?” “Prue, it’s me.” “Andy, when are you coming home?” She sat on her bed. “I don’t know. I am stuck here for awhile. Are you and the girls okay?” “Yeah. I am putting them to bed right now and my sisters are telling our daughters about how we met and fell in love.” “Are they old enough to hear this?” Andy asked. “I guess, we agreed to tell them soon, right.” She told him as Liz and Meg ran into the bedroom, jumping on the bed. “Call me when leave the office.” “I will….girls, stop.” Prue told her daughters and they did.
“Want to say good night to Daddy?” Prue asked and they nodded yes.
“Night, Daddy. We love you!” They told Andy. “I love you, girls too. Sweet dreams.” He told them. Prue said good night as well and he promised to call when he left the office.

Prue walk into the girl’s room where they climb into bed. “Can you tell us, Mommy?” Elizabeth asks. “Please, Mommy.” Meg did as well.
Prue sighed……….They was ready to hear the story of how she and Andy met. “Your daddy and I grew up together.” “Was Grandma still alive back then?” They asked her. “Yes, she died in 1978. Your daddy lived 2 blocks from this house….I found him annoying….” “You hated him?” Liz asked. “No…..he was…..he liked playing jokes on people.”
” Did you like him back then?” Meg asked. “Kind of, Meg. When we were in 6th grade, your father……..we were 11 at the time, he gave me a kiss on the cheeks. It was in….”
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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On A Rainy Day

Postby Kristin Marie » Thu Aug 12, 2004 10:42 pm

Prue flashed back to 6th grade. Prue and Andy were sitting on the swings and Andy had just planted a kiss on Prue, which she didn’t like at all. “Why did you do that?” She asked him, wiping her cheeks. “I like you.” He told her. “Well, DON’T do that again!” Prue hollered at him and it made him feel guilty for doing it, the only thing he can do was say, “I’m sorry.” “Karen Miller likes you.” She announced, but Andy didn’t like Karen Miller. “Who do you like?” Prue got up and face him. Andy face was red of embarrassment, he didn’t want to come right out and say it was her that he likes. “You will laugh.” He told her.
“I won’t.” Prue smiles at him. “Tell me.” She added. “You, Pure. I like you.” He told she and she laughed….Wasn’t on purpose and Andy was hurt. Andy walks away and ran into Piper, was in 4th grade and knew that Andy was in love with her sister, Prue. “She doesn’t like me, Piper.” “Why not, Andy?” “I don’t know. Maybe it’s for the best. I don’t like her.” He told Piper and walks off.

Back to the present……” Was it loved at first sight?” Meg asked. “Well, no…I was stubborn…..I didn’t care much about your father.” Prue told her daughters. “Aunt Piper didn’t think so.” Liz told her. “Your right, Liz. She didn’t. She thought I was hiding my feelings.

Prue flashed back to that same year, she and Piper was in her room doing homework. Piper kept pressing her sister about Andy and Prue just ignored her. “I don’t like him, Piper.” Prue put her foot down.
“I know you do, Prue. I can see it in your eyes.” “I am NOT into him.”
“Why don’t you just admit it?” Piper just looks at her. “Andy is our neighbor and that’s all.” Prue got up and walk away. “He’s our friend!” Piper called out to her.

Back to the present, Prue sat up against Meg’s bed with the girls besides her. “It wasn’t until the middle of 10th grade that I fell in love with him. Of course, it was hard…” “Why?” Meg asks. “You guys didn’t like each other?” Liz added. “ No…..we did…I had responsibilities and sometimes it would interfere in our relationship….So one day my best friend, Elizabeth Mc Geller knew I had a big crush on him……by that time your father and I have dated a couple of times…….” “Aunt Phoebe said Great Grandma didn’t want you to be with Daddy.” Meg told her. “That’s true, Meg. She thought I was wasting my time.” “What did your friend do?” Liz wanted to know. “Well, Liz, she had arranged a little get together at the park………she wanted me to talk to him…….

10th grade:

Andy?” Prue walks up to him. “I thought you were through with me?” He looks at her. “No….I is sorry….I never……” “I understand your responsibilities, Prue.” He walks away from her. “But we can still see each other.” He turns to her. “Oh. I wish it were that simple.” She walks up to him and kisses him and they kissed for a while. “I love you, Prue.” He told her. “I know. I am sorry.” “You are making it so hard...” “I know. Every time……It’s like I can’t enjoy life anymore.”
“Why can’t you talk to your grandmother……Make her understand.”
“Andy, I wish….” “YOU CAN’T!” He got angry. “I love you, damn it!” “So do me!” Prue walk up to him and he pushes her away…..the rain suddenly began and they were both getting soaked. “Go, Pure…Go…Your grandmother needs you more than I do.” “I need you, Andy! Please don’t make me choose between you and my family.”
“You DON’T have too, Prue! I made the decision for you.” “Please, ANDY!” Prue ran after him again and stop him as she sobbed. “I love you….I is sorry…..” “So am I. I hate this……” “I…..” “Please, Prue. No more I am sorry crap…..Its over !” Andy went to his car and Prue stood out there in the pouring rain. She knelt down and wept…..Andy stood by his car and turns to Prudence……he loved her so much and hated breaking up with her. He sighed and ran to her, He knelt down to her and hugged her and then they kissed for awhile. They got up and hugged each other. “It’s over with us, Andy…..Again?” “Doesn’t have to be.” Andy told her. “It is. Good bye, Andy/” Prudence kissed him again and ran off to her car and drove off, leaving Andy so distraught. Not only did he lose his game, but his girl all in the same day. He went home, his parents, Jeff and Megan was worried about him.

Prudence went home and walked inside and went upstairs, where her grandmother was hounding her. Prudence didn’t care she walked into her room and cried. 14 years old, Piper walk into her sister’s room and sat on the bed. “I saw you and Andy on the football field……What happened?” “Horrible. We broke up” “Again?” Piper wasn’t surprised. “I can’t have a relationship with a man that our grandmother despises and do what she wants me to do. I need a life, Piper.” “I am sorry, Prudence. /” “Prudence!?” “You see, Piper. It’s never ending!” Prudence got up and ran downstairs with Piper behind her.
“Yes, Grams?” Prudence asks. “I need you to go to the bank for me. “ Could Piper do that….she knows how to ride a bike.” “I can go, Grams. Besides Prudence has a big test she needs to focus on.” Piper told her.
“Prudence, DO IT!” Penny yelled at her as she handed Prudence the card and Prudence turns to her. “You know Mom and Dad would never treat me like the way you do!” “It calls RESPONSIBLITIES, LADY!” Penny shouted as Prudence slammed the door behind her.

I am posting some at a time, enjoy! Image
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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On A Rainy Day

Postby Kristin Marie » Thu Aug 12, 2004 10:45 pm

Prudence did want her grandmother wanted her to do. Few weeks later, Prudence and Andy stayed a part…..Elizabeth found a way to get her two friends back together with the help of Piper. Both Piper and Elizabeth planned a special dinner and dance for her sister and her boyfriend…Phoebe, 12 helped as well. The girls set up a reservation on the Santa Monica Pier on a Saturday night…….they vowed to get these 2 love birds back together again. Piper and Phoebe worked on their sister as Liz worked on Andy…they both agreed to meet on the Santa Monica Pier, but it wasn’t for long until Penny gave Prudence some job that Saturday, Phoebe lied to her grandmother. “Well, we……got a ticket too…..well, we have to use it, cause if we don’t……..They will sue us…” Phoebe explains to her grandmother. “Where this concert?” “LA.”
“WHAT! LA! NO WAY!” “Grams, we are big girls! Okay. We are NOT babies….besides, Mom would let us go…..so would Daddy.” “So this has to do with her father……He’s nothing, Phoebe.” “Grams, how can you say that?” “How can you forget what he did to you and your sisters…?” “That was long LONG time ago…..Mom forgave him, my sisters and I have as well………why can’t you!?” Phoebe left the house and drove off with her sisters. They flew to LA.

When they got there, they had breakfast with Victor, who was thrilled to see his girls. They spent the day in Manhattan Beach with him………then it was off for the big surprise. Piper and Phoebe told Victor what the plans were. He couldn’t believe that Penny is preventing Prudence from having a love life with Andy. He feels responsible, he wanted to take in his girls when Patty died, but Penny insisted that Prudence, Phoebe and Piper live with her, cause they were witches……Victor thought that was insane. He adored Andy and always thought he was good for his daughter.

Piper and Phoebe met up with Liz outside the restraint as Prudence went to pay the bill, but Victor insisted that he pay the bills instead so Prudence gave in. “All set, Piper?” Liz asks. “Yep.” “Let the show begin!” Phoebe told them. “Let’s go…….Prudence?” Liz waited for Prudence and Victor to walk out. The sisters bid good bye to their father. “I will be in San Francisco next weekend.” He told them. “Okay.” The girls said goodbye and walk off with Liz.

The girls went to Santa Monica Pier where Andy was. “Oh, Prudence, Andy. HI, Andy.” Liz called out to him as they approached him.
“Hi, Prudence.” He said hello, but Prudence didn’t. “Well, I am sure you and Prudence have a lot to talk about.” Liz told them. “We need to talk, Prudence.”
Andy told her. “No. We don’t. There’s nothing to say, Andy.” “I am sure you two do. Go and talk.” Piper encouraged with the help of Phoebe. “Prudence, you owe it to yourself. Do it.” Liz told her and Prudence agreed. “I have no feelings for him, Liz. I am leaving.” Prudence walked off. “Andy, don’t stand here. Go after my sister.” Phoebe and Piper told him and he ran after her as Liz, Piper and Phoebe watched.

Prudence sat on the bench by the trees as Andy sat besides her. “This was a cruel thing my sisters and Liz did.” She told him. “I don’t agree. They love you and they care about us and our relationship.” He told her but she kept quiet. “You don’t have feelings for me anymore?” He asks.
“It’s been months.” Andy added. “I don’t. It’s over.” Prudence told him and she meant every word. “Your being stubborn, Prudence. Why can’t you see that we are meant for each other…?” “Andy, don’t you EVER think maybe we ARE NOT meant to be together! Do you think…….Their is a reason why we are being kept a part?” “Yeah, your grandmother!” He told her. “Unbelievable!” He added. “Andy, that’s why we can’t be together, Forget about me. “ I can’t, Prudence. I just can’t.” “Try okay.”
Prudence told him. “Don’t push me away.” Andy told her as she stood up.
“Find someone who is worthy of you, love you…..It will never be…..Its over.” “Who says?” “ANDY!” She stood up and faces him. “Try and understand.” “Well, I am trying! You just want to break up with me just because your grandmother hates my guts!” Andy stood up and walks away from her as she followed him. “And you know what; maybe this is better this way, Prudence. Maybe this relationship was a mistake.” “Andy,”
“No, Don’t. It’s for the best you said, right.” “I am sorry.” “You know, Prudence…….Your making a mistake……you is letting people tell you how to run your life. We were meant for each other……I guess I was too blind to realize that you never really loved me.” “NOT TRUE! I did. I do. Andy you mean everything to me. I love you.” “Then don’t do this.” He pleaded with her. “That’s why I am doing this, Andy. Please accept this and go.” “You know what; I picture what our future would be like, Prudence. Married and kids……living in a beautiful home……I guess that’s not going to happen. I can’t believe I wasted part of my life by waiting for you….I waited for you, Prudence.” “I know, Andy!” She began to weep.
“I hate this! But how can we still be together when I am being pulled in different directions? My family…….My sisters and my grandmother. They need me, Andy. But……..I want you. I….I can’t…” “Well, I guess there’s no reason to continue this farce of a relationship……” He had tears in his eyes. He went over to her and hugged her, tightly and then they kissed. “Good bye, Prudence…I will never forget you. So long.” Andy kissed her again and walked off. Prudence walked over to the bench and cried as her sisters and Liz ran up to her and comforted her. Prudence lost the man she ever truly loved that day and all to the thank of her grandmother, who has a vendetta against guys.

Back in 2004, Prudence started at the ceiling. “You and Daddy broke up for good?” The girls ask their mother. “Yes. I didn’t want too. It hurt me to know that I couldn’t be with him anymore…I grieved…..” “Aunt Piper and Phoebe said that Great Grandma was happy you two broke up.” Liz told her. “Yes, she was, Liz.” “What did you do, Mommy, after you broke up with Daddy…..did you forget him?” Meg asks. “I didn’t forget your daddy, Meg. I couldn’t. No matter how much I try to forget him, I couldn’t.” “Aunt Piper said you and Great Grandma had a fight over Andy.” Meg told her. “Aunt Phoebe said that daddy had an accident and Great Grandma wouldn’t let you be with him.” Liz told her. “That’s right. Your daddy was in a car accident…..My Grandmother wouldn’t let me be with him.
Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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On A Rainy Day

Postby daniinicolee » Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:25 am

omg kristin, that was really good! i really enjoyed it, is that how it ends? because if it did end like that, i want a part 2! lol its really good! i really liked it my mom was nagging me to get off the computer, but i was reading this i was like "hold on mom" it was funny, its really good kristin!!!

its really good! i want to read more Image Image Image

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On A Rainy Day

Postby Kristin Marie » Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:51 am

More is on its way.......I am still working on it.

Just enjoy these for now

and thanks, I do have a good sense of humor....mmm..now where did I get that from.....

You can defintaly tell I am intailan! Image Image

Love and Hugs,

Always Dream, no matter where, or when...Dream Big Or Small. Dreams is where the heart is.
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On A Rainy Day

Postby linnfromnorway » Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:39 am

I love your stories Kristin! Image Image
Last edited by linnfromnorway on Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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On A Rainy Day

Postby Prudence#1 » Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:52 am

Great story
Thanks *Zetti* for my avartar

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