Love, Secrets and More Lies. (Squel to Love Tria

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Love, Secrets and More Lies. (Squel to Love Tria

Postby hollyshannensangel » Sat Sep 27, 2003 11:41 am

“So, have you reached a decision yet?”
”I have.”
Prue looked at the white cloudy like ground then looked at Josh as she spoke. “Well, I’m not going to…I mean it would be like taking half of who I am…who I’ve become and I’m not ready to…I’ve seen what it would be like without them and I don’t want to go through that again.”
”That’s great after all if you would of go through with it….”
”Yea, I know but something tells me that you knew I wouldn’t go through with it.”
Josh smiled. “Lets take you home.”
Prue began to walk around. “I’m not going back home I can’t.”
“But Prue…”
”But nothing!” She snapped angrily for a moment there was nothing but silence.
“Josh Who gave you the right to bring her up here?!”
Prue turned around and glared at the Elder. “I do have a name you know! And you guys ought to be grateful.”
”Josh this is your third and final warning! If you break the rules once more you will regret it!”
”Third? Wait a minute this is the first time I’ve broken the rules and you need to chill out Rex.”
Rex’s voice rose. “It’s people like you that allow people like her to think its okay to come up here when its not!
”Hey! Without us breaking the rules you guys wouldn’t even be here! Remember Eames? Without me and sisters you guys would have die and how does it feel to have the same name as a demon?”
Rex looks angrily at Prue. “Excuse me? You better watch what your saying young lady or else! And another thing you ought to think about changing that attitude of yours after all we don’t want you to top your self and actually succeed.”
“Bastard!” Prue muttered and waved her arm sending Rex flying. “And one more thing, no-one and I mean no one tells me what to got that?!”
Josh didn’t wait for an answer he turned to Prue and took her hand. “Lets get you out of here Prue.”
”Fine.” Prue mumbled as Josh orbed them out.

“It’s been over a month and still nothing! You don’t think anything bad has happened?”
Phoebe shrugged. “I don’t know and couldn’t care less I have more important things to worry about than Prue disappearing.”
”How can you say that? And I can’t believe you’re still mad at her it’s been over 4 months since the whole Prue and Cole thing.”
Phoebe got up and looked at Piper. “Listen, Prue doesn’t need how help nor does she need me to forgive her she’d made that perfectly clear but you know it’s not I’m never gonna forgive her I will when I see her.”
”Really?” Piper’s left brow rose questing her youngest sibling.
“Yes really,” Phoebe lied. “I’ve got to go Elise wants to talk do you wanna meet for lunch?”
”I can’t.”
“Oh okay then.” Phoebe then grabbed Prue’s keys and got into her car.

Josh smiled. “No worries, if you need me just call.”
”I will.” Prue then kissed him on the cheek.
As Josh orbed out Prue turned around and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. “Come in.”
Prue walked in. “Hi, Elise is Phoebe here?”
”Not yet.”
”Oh, can I wait for her in her office then?”

Phoebe pushed her hand through her light brown hair. “Elise you said you wanted to talk?”
”Yes, I did take a seat.”
Phoebe sat down and watched Elise close the door. “Its about your column………”
Shannen Wanna Be
Posts: 54
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Location: wiv my idols Shannen n Holly

Love, Secrets and More Lies. (Squel to Love Tria

Postby hollyshannensangel » Sat Sep 27, 2003 11:42 am

“Leo, hi.”
”Hey, have you seen your sister or Josh?”
Piper walked over to him and kissed him. “Pheebes she’s…….”
”No not Phoebe Prue.”
Piper looked at him. “No, I haven’t seen Prue for over two weeks maybe even longer why? And who is Josh?”
”Josh he was….is your sister’s Whitelighter.”
“What? Why? Last time I checked you were Prue’s Whitelighter what happened?”
Leo looked to the floor. “Haven’t you wondered what happened when your mom found your sister?”
“Not really, mom told me.”
”She did?” Leo looked up in surprise.
”Yea, she said that Prue said she just needed some time some space but its been over a month since mom and her talked and you know since I haven’t seen Prue in over a month, but I felt like she was holding back.”
”Mom, when she came back to the manor she didn’t tell us where Prue was or what had happened she just said that she needed space but I don’t believe her.”
“Yea, about that I’ve got to tell you something and I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

Phoebe opened her office door and slammed it anger she made her way to her desk then she noticed her sister.
Prue smiled weakly. “Could we talk?”
”I have nothing to say.”
”Pheebes, honey how can you still be angry at me?”
“I’m not going to forgive you.”
Prue laughed. “And that’s why you think I’m here?”
Phoebe glared at her as she opened the door. “Why else would you be here Prue?”
Prue blinked her eyes and the door closed. “You really have no idea do you? Well it doesn’t matter, I just thought I’d give you these.”
Phoebe looked at the bag. “I don’t want it.”
”You know I’d apologise but what’s the point?” Prue said placing the bag on the chair she then opened the door. “You wanna know something Pheebes I wish that mom and Leo had never found me then you’d be happy and who knows what would have happened I guess now we’ll never find out.” Prue left leaving Phoebe puzzled.

”Cole, hey I was just….” Josh backed away from the draw
”Just what?” Cole asked with a raised eyebrow.
”Nothing, do you want me to help you with anything?”
”Yea, I’ve gotta go out for a while could you just make sure that everything runs smoothly?”

”Hey, Pheebes its me Piper.”
Phoebe rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t have guessed, so what’s up?”
”Can I meet you for lunch? There’s something I think you should know.”
”Great I’ll meet you at your office.”
With that Piper put the phone down she then turned around.
“Excuse me.” A dark haired woman entered the club.
“Hi, the clubs close.” Piper said.
”Oh, I’m sorry its just that I was suppose to meet someone here.”
”A Miss. Halliwell…Prudence Halliwell.”
“Well, she’s out of reach at the moment.”
”Do you know when she will be back?”
”I don’t know when she will be back but when she is I’ll let her know that you came by erm by the way what did you say your name was again?”
”I didn’t I’m Paige…. Paige Matthews.”
”Right.” Piper shook her hand. “Well, I’m Piper and like I said I’ll let her know.”
Shannen Wanna Be
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:48 am
Location: wiv my idols Shannen n Holly

Love, Secrets and More Lies. (Squel to Love Tria

Postby hollyshannensangel » Sat Sep 27, 2003 11:42 am

“Hey stranger.”
Prue smiled. “Oh it that what I am now?”
“Can I come in?”
”Sure, but first.” Prue closed the door and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
After a few minutes Prue pulled away still smiling she took his hands and led him to the sofa and looked into his green eyes. “Cole, I’m sorry that I’ve avoided you over these past few weeks but I’ve had so much on my mind not that I’m making that an excuse but there is something I should tell you but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”
”Go on.”
Prue looked to the floor and took a deep breath. “Okay here goes….”

”Wow? Is that all you can say?”
”What do you want me to say Pipe?”
Piper looked at her sister coldly. “You really don’t give a damn do you? Prue nearly die again and all you can think of is yourself?”
Phoebe looked at Piper in hurt and anger. “Believe it or not I do care about Prue, she is my sister too! I just don’t know what to say and when I do say something its never the right thing.” Piper put her arms around her sister as she carried on. “I’m still confused which is so stupid! Do you know why Prue did it?”
”No Leo didn’t say, all he said was that she had a over dose and that the doctors didn’t think she’d make it but when she did mom had a go at her and Prue just discharged herself and went to Megan’s.”
“How does he know and why did they give Prue a Whitelighter?”
”Well, the Elders think that if Prue needs time away from us that she should have a new Whitelighter and they blame Leo for Prue trying to top herself.”
“You know what though it hurts me that Prue wouldn’t turn to us when she clearly needed us the most but when I see her I’m going to ask her why.”

”Prue you should of come to me for support.”
”I know but I needed Phoebe’s support and when she didn’t give me any and she told me that she wanted me out of her life well it was my only option I just wish that mom had never found me…I wanted Phoebe to support me and to forgive me. ”
Cole smiled weakly and put he touch her face softly. “And now?”
”Now, I’ve gotta move on, Pheebes well never forgive me and some how I’ve gotta live with that.” Prue looked into Cole’s eyes adding. “The only good thing that I’ve got in my life at the moment is you.”
”Just promise me that you won’t do anything stupid and that if you do decide to do something stupid let me know so that I can do it as well.”
Prue smiled. “Promise.”
“Good.” Cole muttered as he kissed her.

Leo had orbed to 415 Magazine. “Hi, can I help you?”
”Yea, is Prue here?”
”No, she could still be……”
”Brooke, who is he?” Megan asked looking at the cute guy.
“Hi, I’m Leo, Prue’s brother in law do you know where she is?”
Megan smiled and shook his hand. “She is at mine can I leave her a message?”
”Just tell her that her sisters know and need to talk to her.”
”Sure.” Megan said as she made her way back to her office and close her door and looked at her hand. “Why are whitelighters always so messy?!” She muttered as she rubbed the Whitelighter dust from her hand.

”Hey, Bane, been waiting long?”
”For over an hour where ya been?”
”Nowhere important and you I’m worth the wait.”
”You sure are Paige.” Bane muttered as he kissed her.
Shannen Wanna Be
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:48 am
Location: wiv my idols Shannen n Holly

Love, Secrets and More Lies. (Squel to Love Tria

Postby hollyshannensangel » Sat Sep 27, 2003 11:43 am

“Cole, I’d stop eating that if I were you.”
Cole flashed Prue a smile. “Why? You want some?” he asked shoving the dish in her face.
Prue pulled a face and pushed the dish back. “I don’t think so, not only is it pass it’s sell by date but some how the thought of eating half a Shepard’s pie and half a trifle makes my stomach turn.”
“Suit yourself.” Cole laughed he then purposely put some into mouth fully aware that Prue was watching him he had an idea turning to Prue he looked at her.
“What? Have I got something on my face?” she asked with a puzzled looked, Cole shook his head and just opened his mouth.
“Gross!” Prue said playfully hitting him.
Cole grinned and he swallowed the food. “Nothing gross about it perfectly naturally.”
”Yea, if you’re a pig or something.”
Leo had orbed to Megan’s place he saw them together both unaware of Leo carried on.
“Erm, Cole?”
Prue smiled and pointed at his teeth. “You’ve got something in your teeth, want me to get it out for you?”
“You sure can.”
Prue leaned forward.
Oh great there is no way I’m going to watch this. Leo thought to himself he then walked towards them.
Prue smiled. “I hope your breath doesn’t smell of garlic.”
Cole smiled. “Only one way to find out.”
They were about to kiss when Leo spoke. “Prue there you are…”
Prue glared at him pulling away. “What do you want?”
”Oh I’m sorry was I interrupting?” Leo mocked. “Anyway I just thought I’d let you know that Piper knows and she’d probably told Phoebe.”
“What did you tell them?”
Leo didn’t answer her he just looked at her.
Prue stood up then it hit her. “You told them, about me trying to…”
”They would of found out sooner or later I just helped them.”
”What the hell gave you the right? And why are you so hell bent on screwing my life up?”
Prue snapped raising her hand Cole took her hand looking at her. “Don’t.”
Leo laughed. “Your life is already screwed you did that yourself remember?”
”What’s the matter Leo? Pissed off that you’re not the Elder’s pet?”
”Excuse me?”
”Oh, come on Leo, face it you’re Mr. Goody Two Shoes and you’re pissed off that I ruined any chance of you becoming an Elder!”
”Words get around up there and now thanks top you I have to go and face my sisters! Something I wasn’t planning to do for a long time, and who knows maybe Piper could try to blow me up then maybe she could blow you up!”
“So what this is my fault? I didn’t tell you to top yourself did I you did that by yourself! You know what I wish that we’d never found you!”
”You and me both Leo! (Tuning to Cole) could you take me to P3?”
”You sure?”
”No, but what choice do I have?”

”I told you!” Prue snapped angrily as her voice rose.
“No, you didn’t Prue.” Phoebe said grabbing her sister’s hand.
“Guys, not here.” Neither of them heard Piper, they didn’t notice that people were watching them and laughing at them, however Piper did angrily she froze them.
“You, see the more I think about it the more I realise you did it because of me.”
Prue glared at her letting go of her sister’s hand. “What do you want me to say?”
”Oh gee Prue, I don’t know the truth for once or is that too hard?!”
”Fine! You wanna know the truth? I’ll give it to you it was because of you told me to get out of your life and that what I did but I wasn’t excepting mom and Leo to show up was I and since they showed up everything in my life is just going worse there you wanted the truth happy now?!” Prue didn’t wait for an answer instead she just stormed out just as people in P3 began to unfreeze.
Megan smiled she watched the whole incident she knew what she had to do but first she decided to follow Prue.

Piper looked at Phoebe and put her arms around her. “Piper, its all my fault I didn’t think that it was but oh god what I have done?” Phoebe didn’t look Piper when she spoke; she wasn’t asking a question either she was just trying to get some sort of answer.
Piper stroked her hair. “Phoebe it’s not your fault Prue’s just saying that because she’s angry and hurting.”
Phoebe looked and saw a blurry Piper as she a tear fell onto the table she replied. “Piper she said it and the way in which she said it indicated that it was my fault…why am I a screw up?!”
”You’re not.”
”Yes, I’ am!”
Just then Daryl walked in. “Hey…Phoebe what’s wrong?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.
“Am a screw up?”
”What? Don’t be crazy Phoebe; you are anything but a screw up you got that? And who said you were show me and I’ll beat ‘em up.”
Phoebe smiled weakly. “Excuse me, I’ve got to go to the bathroom and no Piper I don’t need you to come and hold my hand I’m a big girl now.”
After Phoebe left Piper turned to Daryl. “So what’s happened?”
“There have been some killings.”
“So I’ve read.”
”Yeah, well at first we thought it was some psycho killer but I think that its demonic….”
”And you want me to check the Book of Shadows? I will do that.”

”Megan! Are you trying to give me a heart attack or something?!”
”Sorry,” Megan smiled pushing her hand through her hair. “You have to help me with some work.”
“I have to? Don’t you think I have a life?”
Megan bit her lip to stop her from smirking. “You know what you’re right, I’m sorry just I don’t know…. gotta go.”
Prue was left confused as she watched Megan ran away from her. “Okay that was weird.”

“Well? Anything?” The Seer asked as Megan flamed into the Under World.
Megan looked at the Seer. “Give me time you know!”
”Time? You’ve had nothing but time! Balthazar had months and well……….”
”Your point being what? I’m new to this and don’t forget you came to me not the other way around!”
“Your lucky the Source isn’t here!”
”Oh please what can he do?! He nor you can harm me I’m immune to your powers and I didn’t need to say yes.”
The Seer glared at her. “Excuse me? Did I force you to join us? No I didn’t you made that choice by yourself and you may be immune to our powers but when you face the Charmed One’s …”
“Don’t you mean if?”
”Well what happened to your plan?”
The Seer laughed evilly. “Its all coming to plan Phoebe stills hates Prue and from I’ve seen today well lets just say that I hope they can face losing someone.”
”You’ll see, you’ll see…”
Shannen Wanna Be
Posts: 54
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Location: wiv my idols Shannen n Holly

Love, Secrets and More Lies. (Squel to Love Tria

Postby hollyshannensangel » Sat Sep 27, 2003 11:44 am

Prue bumped into Cole. “Hey. I was looking for you.”
”Yea? Well here I am.”
Cole looked at her. “What’s wrong?”
”You know everything is just going from bad to worse and I think I just made everything worse with Phoebe.”

“What’s this?”
“This will help you touch the book but you’ll only have a minute and within that minute I want you to find out whatever you can whatever spells demons and warlocks are in the book let me know.”
Megan took the blue like liquid from the Seer. “Why don’t I just take the book?”
“Megan, if it was that simple then we’d have the book and Prue and her sisters would be dead!”
“And what makes you think that I wouldn’t be able to get hold of the book?”
The Seer became more angrily and annoyed at Megan. “I’m only going to say this once and once only! The Book of Shadows is the most powerful book, which is why powerful white magic protects it!”

”Are you sure you’ll be okay?”
”Yes, Daryl I’ll be fine, and don’t you have that dinner with Shelly?”
”The dinner oh man I forgot she’s gonna kill me. I’ll see you tomorrow Pheebes.”
Phoebe smiled and closed the door then made her way to the kitchen unaware that Megan had flamed into the attic.
Megan looked at the book, carefully touching the triquetra. “I’ll show them, I’ll show her that I can get the book no problem.” Megan muttered as she picked the book up, straight away one of her nails broke. “Oh that’s just great!” Megan snapped to herself accidentally letting go of the book. “Oh crap this just isn’t my day is it? Good thing no-one’s home.”
Phoebe had heard a thud sound from upstairs. Demon she thought as she ran upstairs.
Megan placed the book back onto its stand and opened it, she was about to turn the page over when she heard someone. Better get out of here. Megan flamed out just as Phoebe entered. Phoebe looked around whatever had made that thud sound had gone she was about to leave when she saw that the book had been open.

tbc so what you think so far?
Shannen Wanna Be
Posts: 54
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:48 am
Location: wiv my idols Shannen n Holly

Love, Secrets and More Lies. (Squel to Love Tria

Postby linnfromnorway » Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:19 pm

Very very good you keep me reading for hours lolImage
Im reading slower because im fra Norway and im only 13 Image So good story!!! Image
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